LugRadio Live UK

The Call For Papers is now closed

Keep an eye on the schedule to see who's speaking!

We are really keen to have lots of different talks on a range of different subjects at LugRadio Live UK 2008, and we are really keen for you to submit proposals for talks you would like to do. Remember that LugRadio Live UK 2008 is a community event, and we really want all aspects of the Open Source community to come and get involved.

There are two types of talk at LugRadio Live UK 2008:

  • Main Talks - main talks are on the main stage and are typically reserved with well recognised speakers or talks that are particularly interesting. These talks are between 30 and 45 minutes long.
  • Lightning Talks - these talks take place on the lightning talks stage and can be about anything and everything. These talks are 20 minutes long.

When submitting your paper, specify which type of talk you would like to do.

Things to remember

If you are interested in talking at LugRadio Live UK 2008, here are a few things to remember that will improve the chances of your talk being chosen:

  • We are really after different, wacky, new and interesting talks. This does not mean we don't want heavy technical talks, but we are really on the lookout for different and innovative talks.
  • Unfortunately, we can't cover expenses. This is a non-profit event run by us in our spare time, and although we wish we could cover expenses, we can't.
Submitting your paper

To submit your paper, send an email to us at with the following information:

  • Your name and email address
  • Talk title
  • Summary of your talk
  • Your requirements (projector, laptop etc)
  • Time requirements (do you need a specific day or time period?)

If you are interested in speaking, send us a mail to .



Registration before the event isn't required this year: just turn up and pay £5 on the door!

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LugRadio Live UK

© LugRadio 2007 · Site designed by Michael Evans