Call For Papers

We are really keen to have lots of different talks on a range of different subjects at LugRadio Live USA 2008, and we are really keen for you to submit proposals for talks you would like to do. Remember that LugRadio Live USA 2008 is a community event, and we really want all aspects of the Open Source community to come and get involved.

There are two types of talk at LugRadio Live USA 2008:

When submitting your paper, specify which type of talk you would like to do.

Things to remember

If you are interested in talking at LugRadio Live USA 2008, here are a few things to remember that will improve the chances of your talk being chosen:

Submitting your paper

To submit your paper, send an email to us at with the following information:

If you are interested in speaking, send us a mail to by Friday 15th February!