LugRadio Live and Unleashed 2008
19th July 2008: Season 5 Episode 23 : 80.08
- LugRadio Live: let's do it next year!
- What will we be talking about a year from now? What's going to go on in the free software world between now and LugRadio Live 2009?
- OpenStreetMap: the OSM team take the opportunity to answer some questions about the project
- Has all the fun gone out of open source? Now that half the people hacking on code are paid for it, and we have to think about corporate governance and trademarks and patents and PR and commercial viability, is what we do as much fun now as it was then?
- Four years of LugRadio: the attendees tell us what they've liked about the show since the beginning
- A few prizes: congratulations especially to our new LugRadio Community Hero
Video of LugRadio Live and Unleashed is forthcoming: keep your eyes open for it, because it'll be brilliant!
Thanks all for coming: we'll see you next year!
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