'Tis the season to be Linux
19th December 2005: Season 3 Episode 5 : 89:36
- The Prophet LugRadio: a review of the predictions made in the 2004 Christmas special and just how wrong we were
- BuddyPing: we talk to Justin Davies about buddyPing and social networks, and then argue amongst ourselves about it
- A competition! Novell have donated some stuff to be given away, and you could win! Enter our competition, "Stupid Hat for Corporate Tat", by sending a picture of yourself in the stupidest hat you can buy, steal, or construct to show@lugradio.org. Bonus points for having the word "LugRadio" on your hat, or anything else that we find funny like wearing an enormous chin prosthesis or something
- Aaron Seigo with a five-minute update on where the KDE desktop is headed, cool stuff they're working on, and integration with freedesktop.org
- Hype or Shite (it returns!): this week the team talk about eye candy. Is looking pretty important? Does eye candy just mean looking pretty?
- Your letters, and the LugRadio community speaks through the medium of voicemail
A very merry Christmas to all our listeners. We'll be back in 2006!
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