The importance of being critical
12th February 2007: Season 4 Episode 12 : 105:36
- Does everyone hate the FSF? The reputability of online news sources (1.10)
- What would Eric do? Acceptable uses for open source software, and just what "No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor" actually means (11.15)
- Wouter van Heyst talks about the Bazaar source-control project (22.45)
- Web applications versus desktop applications: the old chestnut rears its head again, with a definition of what "progressive enhancement" means in the context of the web (32.12)
- The community speaks: many emails from all of you (67.15)
- More LugRadio Live information! The website is now available, we're starting to pull the speakers list together (and please submit your papers!), and it's beginning to rock harder than Ayers Rock and the Rock of Gibraltar on top of one another. Prepare yourselves: 7th-8th July 2007 (96.50)
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