Inspirational Muppetational
17th December 2007: Season 5 Episode 7 : 87.06
- Alexandre Juillard from the Wine Project talks about where Wine is, why it isn't finished, and what's coming next (2.02) [Do you use Wine? Tell us about it on the LugRadio forums]
- This week in LugRadio Top Trumps, we look at Adam Sweet's scores in the five categories, freedom-crusading, tinkering, underdog, community, and cheapness. Adam talks about why he's interested in Linux and open source (11.36)
- The Asus EEE PC, a small-form-factor Linux-based laptop that's recently been released and is selling like hotcakes, is reviewed by the team. Does the device live up to the hype? (23.46)
- The LugRadio Predictions Segment: once again we step up to the plate to tell you what we think will happen over the next 12 months in the open source world. With free bonus slagging for us being wrong (occasionally) this time last year (40.12) [What do you think will happen in 2008? Do you think we're wrong? Tell us on the LugRadio forums]
- In Pimp My LugRadio, the LugRadio Christmas competition, you can win an Asus EEE PC! Listen to the show to find out how! (54.34)
- Your letters. This week this includes a shoeing for Adam and Chris for not mentioning VirtualBox in the last show, the new Blender open movie "Peach" project, Stuart's man-boobs, whether sudo is a good idea, Ogg Vorbis support on hardware, and Adam getting his blog 0wned (59.48)
This episode includes the tune Steady B, from Trafic de Blues' Fin de cavale album, which is licenced as CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5, which means that this episode is also under the same licence (a minor change from our normal licence for episodes).
Thanks to EfficientPC for donating the EEE PC for us to review and then give away in our competition!
This episode of LugRadio is available under a
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5
licence. This means that you can download it for free,
you can pass it on to as many people as you want, and
you can make it available for download yourself, you can make
mashups of it or
snip parts out and distribute them
separately or use them in your own compositions,
but you can't sell it or use it commercially.
See our thoughts on licencing
for more.