
==== Speakers at LugRadio Live USA 2008 will include ====

=== Miguel de Icaza ===
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Miguel is the co-founder of the GNOME desktop, key figure in Mono and works at Novell.

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=== Ian Murdock ===
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Ian founded Debian and is now chief OS strategist at Sun Microsystems and lead on OpenSolaris.

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=== Jeremy Allison ===
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Jeremy is the lead developer of Samba and a noted supporter of software freedom.

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=== Robert Love ===
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Robert Love has authored two books on Linux kernel development and now works for Google on Android.

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=== Christopher Blizzard ===
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Chris has been involved in a range of projects including GNOME, OLPC and now works with Mozilla.

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=== Danese Cooper ===
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Danese has worked with Open Source for a range of companies, such as Sun and Intel, and works closely with the OSI.

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=== Ben Collins ===
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Ben works for Canonical as the lead on the kernel team.

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=== Val Henson ===
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Val hacks on the Linux kernel and filesystems, and is a popular speaker on supporting women in open source.

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=== Allison Randal ===
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Allison is a C hacker, chief architect and lead developer of Parrot, on the board of directors of the Perl Foundation, and program chair of O'Reilly's OSCON conference.

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=== John Buckman ===
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John is CEO of Magnatune, the Creative Commons music label. Magnatune launched in 2003 with the idea: "could the same open source principles that helped Linux successfully combat Microsoft be applied to the music industry?"  Using a Creative Commons license and applying 9 of the 10 Open-Source-Institute requirements for "open source" (we'll tell you which one we skipped, and why), Magnatune has survived for 5 years.  Buckman will talk about what has and more importantly, has not worked, and what the future looks like in a post-DRM music world.

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=== Aza Raskin ===
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Aza is head of the Humanized usability consultancy and Head of User Experience at Mozilla Labs.

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=== Christian Hammond ===
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Christian works at VMWare, and will be talking about Review Board, the tool developed at VMWare to make code reviews and bug tracking easier.

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=== Matthew Garrett ===
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Matthew deals with laptops and power management and the kernel and lots of similar things, and is possibly the angriest man in the world.
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=== Benjamin Mako Hill ===
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Mako is a noted free software and free culture activist, currently working for the FSF.
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=== Kristen Accardi ===
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Kristen is a Linux kernel hacker who will be talking about "How to write a device driver in 30 minutes".

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=== Ian Mckellar ===
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Ian works on the Songbird media player and innovative web technology.

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=== Dan Kegel ===
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Dan is part of the Wine project.

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=== Aaron Bockover ===
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Aaron is the lead developer on Banshee, the Linux media player, and works for Novell on OpenSuSE.

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=== Eddy Mulyono ===
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In ".rpm .deb .ebuild .tgz OMG!", Eddy will be looking at the current state of packaging across distros (Ubuntu, Gentoo, rPath), lessons learned, and what's next.

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=== Matthew Walster ===
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Matthew "dotwaffle" Walster will be talking about the demoscene on Linux and in open source.

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=== Belinda Lopez ===
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Belinda has a strong engineering and training background and is a contributor to Ubuntu.

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=== Joe Born ===
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Joe is founder of Neuros Technology, makers of Linux-based open-source media devices.
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=== Mike Linksvayer ===
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Mike is Vice President of Creative Commons, and is speaking about free culture and how many years it is behind free software. Where is free culture/open content c.2008 in its development relative to free software/open source? 1983, 1989, 1991, 1998, 2004? Do users of culture require the same freedoms?

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=== Stewart Smith ===
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Stewart works at MySQL, and his talk is called "mysql> SHOW STATUS;". A whirlwind summary of what's been going on in the MySQL world (along with some tips and tricks thrown in). He''ll talk a bit about the upcoming 5.1 release (what's in it, and why it has taken so long).
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=== Joe Zonker Brockmeier ===
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Zonker is OpenSuSE Community Manager for  Novell.
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=== Brian Will ===
Brian will be speaking about Pigeon, the learners' programming language.
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=== Selena Deckelmann ===
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Selena will be speaking about Wordpress and Drupal along with Andy de la Lucha, and is involved with the PostgreSQL community.
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=== David bigredradio Huffman ===
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David's talk is entitled "Logical Volume Management (LVM) for those who just don't get it."
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=== David Schleef ===
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David is a GStreamer hacker and will be talking about codecs and multimedia.
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=== Emma Jane Hogbin ===
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Emma is talking about the role of women in Open Source, and is conference chair for HICK Tech.
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=== Ilan Rabinovitch ===
Ilan is responsible for SCALE, the Southern California Linux conference.
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=== Jason Kridner ===
Jason works for Texas Instruments and will be talking about DSPs, multimedia technology, and TI's connections with open source.
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=== Ted Haeger ===
In "Reverend Ted's Noon Hour Extravaganza", or
"Freedom and the Cloud: Developer Platforms meet Software as a Service", Ted from Bungee Labs explains how new wave of software development is taking shape, allowing developers to create and deploy software entirely through the browser. In this talk, Ted Haeger explains platform-as-a-service and some of the issues it raises regarding software freedom. What is the GPL's "SaaS loophole"? How do web service providers promote or discourage the ethics of Free Software? Why does the Affero GPL matter? How does free software enable invigorate startup innovation, and what are the ethical obligations to reciprocate of the companies that use free software to build their business?