A special game to go along with Episode 3 of Season 4!
Cubase | beard | open standards | environments | incorporate |
scratching the itch | injection | flowchart | commercial | Guadec |
mighty | microsoft | vendors | 3D | keynote |
upstream | level playing field | perspective | interfaces | synergies |
Matt totally shagging up a question | initiative | enable | inhibitors |
Complete one row or column to win
Word list in total: Cubase, beard, open standards, environments, incorporate, scratching the itch, injection, flowchart, commercial, Guadec, mighty, microsoft, vendors, 3D, keynote, upstream, level playing field, perspective, interfaces, synergies, google, Matt totally shagging up a question, initiative, enable, inhibitors, goals, innovation, kernel, addressing, assurances, D-Bus, platforms, markets, fragmented, OpenOffice, proprietary, leverage, API, desktop, conglomeration, Intel, manager, cross-distro, direction, aKademy, competition, segment, monkeys