A show of segments
9th October 2006: Season 4 Episode 3 : 76.18
- Which closed-source applications would we like to see open-sourced? (2.56)
- Waldo Bastian talks about the Portland Project to unify some things between Linux desktop environments, which he's speaking on at aKademy, and what he's expecting from the conference (19.01)
- Updating software, and the nature of trust; have recent high-profile failures in software updates destroyed our trust? (34.30)
- John Cherry, aKademy keynoter and OSDL Initiative Manager, talks about the state of the Linux desktop from OSDL's point of view (47.00)
- Conferences and award ceremonies: is there a difference between the corporate and community worlds? (56.19)
- Since we have no emails this week, a chance to say thankyou to the lots of people who help us out. We wouldn't have a show without you, so a big thanks to the LugRadio community! (69.09)
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