Burning Sensation
17th June 2008: Season 5 Episode 20 : 97.42
- The cynicism of brands by sysadmins (1.30) [Discuss this in the LugRadio forums]
- A Burning Question
- A new model for the music industry - after we discussed different ways that the music industry could work in episode 14, we look at your feedback, talk about what we've learned from thinking about this and the nature of recording contracts, and lay out one attempt to find a solution: Severed Fifth (21.42) [Discuss this in the LugRadio forums]
- A Burning Question
- LugRadio Live UK is in less than a month! Prepare yourselves: contact us quickly if you want to grab one of the last few places in the LRL exhibition (60.05)
- A Burning Question
- Your emails: this week we're talking about Ruby vs Python, honest music listeners, KDE 4 and whether we hate it, OpenSolaris, Linux on mobile phones, mail clients, and Linux Magazine featuring a picture of Aaron Bockover almost naked. Send us your emails! (71.15)
This episode includes the tune Steady B, from Trafic de Blues' Fin de cavale album, which is licenced as CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5, which means that this episode is also under the same licence (a minor change from our normal licence for episodes).
This episode of LugRadio is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5 licence. This means that you can download it for free, you can pass it on to as many people as you want, and you can make it available for download yourself, you can make mashups of it or snip parts out and distribute them separately or use them in your own compositions, but you can't sell it or use it commercially. See our thoughts on licencing for more.