Adam's Lumpen Potato Adventure
7th July 2011: Season 6 Episode 1 : 76.00
- Social networking: what's's place in the new world order? Is it free-software-specific, and is that a good thing or not? (1.40)
- The Devil's Drink: a quiz with an unpleasant forfeit for getting questions wrong, and which could be construed as a way to make Adam's life miserable, for which see below (15.45)
- LibreOffice, OpenOffice, and Oracle: what does it mean that there are now two competing suites, and where do we go from here? (29.50)
- In season 2 we talked about viruses on Linux and whether they were a problem. Seven years later, we revisit the situation in the light of the rise of Macintosh viruses and say: are we still right to be smugly safe? (44.10)
This video, and specifically The Devil's Drink, has an accompanying video which shows how Jono and Stuart deliberately stitched up Adam, the poor soul. See for the full story, and once again superb applause for Adam for taking it like the hero he is!
That's it for our 2011 reunion show: we'll see you in a couple of years, probably…
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