Time Gentlemen Please
14th January 2008: Season 5 Episode 9 : 78.28
- We speak to Sacha "Sago" Goedegebure from the Peach Project, the new open movie project from the Blender team, who produced Elephant's Dream. What's going on with the project, what's it like to make an open movie, and is it going to be as weird as Elephant's Dream? (1.51) [Have you donated to Peach? Talk about the project in the LugRadio forums]
- This week on LugRadio Top Trumps*: Stuart talks about why freedom is important, why the underdog isn't important, how a lifetime of free Unixes comes about when your home computer is too rubbish to run Windows, and how he scores in the five categories of freedom crusading, tinkering, cheapness, community, and underdogness (14.58)
- The LugRadio Lock-In: is vendor lockin a good idea? Should Linux distributors tie their server and desktop products together to make them work better and more easily, without necessarily pushing those changes to other Linux distros first? Does this necessarily need to be at the expense of their Linux competitors? (34.04) [Would you like to see Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Server tied more closely together? Comment on the LugRadio forums]
- LugRadio Live USA! We can finally confirm the dates: LRL USA 2008 will happen on 12-13th April, 2008, at the Metreon in San Francisco! You'll be able to buy tickets soon; keep an eye on the LugRadio website and the forums for details. The Call For Papers is now open; if you would like to submit a talk, or you'd like your project or company to exhibit, contact us and let us know (52.20)
- The Pimp My LugRadio competition, where you produce some promotional material for LugRadio and win an Asus Eee PC, is still running; get your entries in as soon as you can! We've had a load of great entries so far; get yours in now (54.54)
- Your emails and forum posts! This time, we talk about old-fashioned Unixes again, Hacker Public Radio, brown noses, Adam's shopping habits, virtualisation, our brown masters, and the latest Theo de Raadt and Richard Stallman grudge rematch (56.54)
This episode includes the tune Steady B, from Trafic de Blues' Fin de cavale album, which is licenced as CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5, which means that this episode is also under the same licence (a minor change from our normal licence for episodes).
Thanks to EfficientPC for donating the EEE PC for us to review and then give away in our competition!
This episode of LugRadio is available under a
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5
licence. This means that you can download it for free,
you can pass it on to as many people as you want, and
you can make it available for download yourself, you can make
mashups of it or
snip parts out and distribute them
separately or use them in your own compositions,
but you can't sell it or use it commercially.
See our thoughts on licencing
for more.