All LugRadio episodes
- Title: Adam's Lumpen Potato Adventure
- Date: 7th July 2011
- Length: 76.00
- Social networking: what's's place in the new world order? Is it free-software-specific, and is that a good thing or not? (1.40)
- The Devil's Drink: a quiz with an unpleasant forfeit for getting questions wrong, and which could be construed as a way to make Adam's life miserable, for which see below (15.45)
- LibreOffice, OpenOffice, and Oracle: what does it mean that there are now two competing suites, and where do we go from here? (29.50)
- In season 2 we talked about viruses on Linux and whether they were a problem. Seven years later, we revisit the situation in the light of the rise of Macintosh viruses and say: are we still right to be smugly safe? (44.10)
- Title: LugRadio Live and Unleashed 2009
- Date: 24th October 2009
- Length: 73.57
- LugRadio Live: we're not doing it next year!
- Oracle buy Sun, which bought MySQL: what does this mean for the most popular open-source database?
- The two LugRadio Live banners, one signed by every attendee of LugRadio Live 2009 and given to MrBen as Community Hero Emeritus, and one signed by the presenters auctioned for ORG and won by Andy Standford-Clark (and see below if you wish it had been you!)
- What's happened since the very first LugRadio in 2004? A look at the news of yesteryear to see what's changed in the last five years, and why nothing seems to have changed: have we made any progress?
- What should open source conferences in the UK be like? LRL is over, but should there be other conferences like LRL?
- Big thanks to people who made LugRadio and all the LugRadio Lives happen; Bytemark, Microsoft, Mike Evans at MSE Design (grab him for all your graphic design needs!), Intellidata (and specifically Ron Wellsted, who did loads for LugRadio), System76, and Linux Magazine. The furthest travelled to LugRadio Live 2009: from New York!
- Title: LugRadio Live and Unleashed 2008
- Date: 19th July 2008
- Length: 80.08
- LugRadio Live: let's do it next year!
- What will we be talking about a year from now? What's going to go on in the free software world between now and LugRadio Live 2009?
- OpenStreetMap: the OSM team take the opportunity to answer some questions about the project
- Has all the fun gone out of open source? Now that half the people hacking on code are paid for it, and we have to think about corporate governance and trademarks and patents and PR and commercial viability, is what we do as much fun now as it was then?
- Four years of LugRadio: the attendees tell us what they've liked about the show since the beginning
- A few prizes: congratulations especially to our new LugRadio Community Hero
- Title: I'll state my case
- Date: 14th July 2008
- Length: 95.14
- Why don't pundits fuck off? Are we pundits? Why don't we fuck off? Including free bonus Aq vs. Jono arguing, as if you couldn't see that coming (4.52) [Discuss in the LugRadio forums]
- twitter - the microblogging site. Why do people care? What's good about it? Is it Web 2.0 micro-cack or is it the New World Order? Our thoug (27.33) [Discuss in the LugRadio forums]
- The internet makes access to "public" information hugely easy. This is normally a good thing, but there have been some well-publicised cases where this new lack of secrecy has caused some upset. Our thoughts on responsibility and the nature of public but sensitive data (44.10) [Discuss in the LugRadio forums]
- Your emails, for the last time. Thank you all for the deluge of emails we received wishing that we weren't going to end the show and offering suggestions for how LugRadio could continue -- we'd need a whole other show to read them all out, but we read them all and we're really touched. Also, the nature of contribution to open source, and "best practice management" where good IT is replaced by slavish adherence to existing brands (62.15)
- LugRadio Live is this weekend! The last ever chance to hear the LugRadio team's particular brand of lies and commentary. In addition, there are thirty speakers, a great exhibition, parties, your 5-minute talks on stage in the Gong-a-Thong (send us your talks!) and lots more. We'll see you all this weekend! (83.35)
- Title: More on that later
- Date: 30th June 2008
- Length: 94.51
- Starting out on your own: if you're thinking of setting up your own company working with technology or the web or open source, what do you need to do to make it successful? Is it possible to compete in the market as a one-man show? Is it just too risky? (1.19) [How can you make money running your own company? Tell us in the LugRadio forums]
- The State Of the Mozilla: Firefox is the poster child for open source software, but are they forgetting their open-source base and not supporting the free desktop? There have been lots of accusations of this -- is it actually the truth? Secondly, Mozilla's rendering engine, Gecko, seems to be losing the war for being an embedded engine to WebKit. Are people heading away from Mozilla's technology? (20.00) [What do you think of the Mozilla project's approach? Tell us in the LugRadio forums]
- We announce that LugRadio will end at LugRadio Live UK this July, and talk about why the show's going out on a high. Tell us what you think: send us email or post on the forums (37.15)
- If you could fix any problem in the open-source world what would it be? Thoughts on usability, modularisation, the web, and shared user accounts (44.15)
- Your emails -- this week you're talking about McGyver, gun control, power metal, freedom hatred at the FSF, other Linux podcasts that we think that you should be listening to, and LugRadio Live UK which is in less than a month! (73.40)
- Title: Burning Sensation
- Date: 17th June 2008
- Length: 97.42
- The cynicism of brands by sysadmins (1.30) [Discuss this in the LugRadio forums]
- A Burning Question
- A new model for the music industry - after we discussed different ways that the music industry could work in episode 14, we look at your feedback, talk about what we've learned from thinking about this and the nature of recording contracts, and lay out one attempt to find a solution: Severed Fifth (21.42) [Discuss this in the LugRadio forums]
- A Burning Question
- LugRadio Live UK is in less than a month! Prepare yourselves: contact us quickly if you want to grab one of the last few places in the LRL exhibition (60.05)
- A Burning Question
- Your emails: this week we're talking about Ruby vs Python, honest music listeners, KDE 4 and whether we hate it, OpenSolaris, Linux on mobile phones, mail clients, and Linux Magazine featuring a picture of Aaron Bockover almost naked. Send us your emails! (71.15)
- Title: Finding Emo
- Date: 2nd June 2008
- Length: 108.54
- Cairo: it was supposed to revolutionise the graphical look of the Gnome desktop, and as far as we can tell nothing has changed. Where are our beautiful pictures? (3.43) [Discuss this in the LugRadio forums]
- Linux on mobile phones: it's not only the year of the Linux desktop every year, but it's the year in which Linux really takes over the embedded market. And it never happens. Mobile phones running Linux never appear in the market. Why? (15.52) [Discuss this in the LugRadio forums]
- What does "the community" actually mean? Lots of companies are trying to build an open source community around their products, and they don't succeed because they don't know how. An extended segment of our views, including Jono speaking on how he thinks community management should work (27.17) [Discuss this in the LugRadio forums]
- Your emails and feedback! This week you and we are talking about the LugRadio Syndrome, the freedom slider and a restricted formats wizard, spam, the new world of email security and SPF, abandoning technical books, Guns 'n' Roses, media players, and the subject that wouldn't die, Gobuntu (69.31)
- Title: The Minutiae of X
- Date: 19th May 2008
- Length: 103.01
- Room 101: in honour of our 101st show, we shamelessly steal an idea from a British television programme and nominate one thing each to "go into Room 101", by which we mean that it should be banished for all time beyond the sight of humankind (1.45) [Nominate your candidates for banishment in the LugRadio forums!]
- We talk about Webwise's Phorm, the latest Internet advertising wheeze of dubious legality in the UK, with Becky Hogge from the Open Rights Group: what can you do about Phorm, why is it bad, and is there any stopping it? (18.25) [Do you think Phorm is a good idea? Do your ISP or your country implement something similar? Tell us about it in the forums]
- After the last episode's discussion of Evolution, we were challenged to all try a different email client for a week. The team report back on what it's like to spend a week using a different MUA (41.10)
- A suggestion from LugRadio Community Hero mrben on how to advocate Free formats inoffensively sparks a discussion about the idea of a "restricted formats wizard" in Linux distributions. Do distros do enough to promote the use of unencumbered formats for media? Do we as a community do enough? Do we do too much? (59.20) [Would you like to see a restricted formats wizard? Tell us how it should work in the forums]
- Your emails, including an avalanche of comment prompted by the section in the last episode about Gobuntu. You too can contact the show and win the truly exclusive LugRadio black t-shirt! (1.20.50)
- Title: Not One Cent
- Date: 12th May 2008
- Length: 84.20
- To celebrate the one hundredth episode of LugRadio, we name one hundred cool things that the open source community have achieved, one for each of our shows. Keep it up, everyone. We're really proud. (1.55)
- The Gobuntu "Experiment" Has Failed -- well, that's how Aq feels about it. With no Gobuntu 8.04 official release, what does this mean for advocates of absolute software freedom, and do they have a leg to stand on? (4.20)
- Evolution, the Gnome mail client, is much maligned (not least by being compared to Microsoft Outlook). Is it really as bad as all that? (39.32)
- A quick reminder that although LugRadio Live in the USA is over, the original and best LugRadio Live right here in the UK is happening on July 19th and 20th in Wolverhampton -- submit your talks and requests for exhibition space! (66.57)
- Your emails, including abuse about the end of the show, complaints of us being like an uncomfortable famliy dinner, and a note about the team's love for Sony's products of greatness (67.58)
- Title: LugRadio Live USA 2008
- Date: 21st April 2008
- Length: 56.27
- Screw you, stupid users (hurriedly retitled to account for children in the audience): is there a point at which it's reasonable to say that software cannot be simplified further and that if some users can't grasp it, it's just not for them? Can free software meet every user's need -- can any software meet every user's need? Or is it reasonable to say that some people are just not suited for computers? (2.30) [Discuss this segment in the LugRadio forums]
- Our chance to reward some of the people at LugRadio Live USA: the roflcopter award, a birthday for the youngest member, a Dice raffle, the best exhibition at LRL USA, the person who sent the most people to the show, Jorge Castro's Miguel de Icaza impression. and Kynan Dent from Google in a dress (17.33)
- Is American culture too litigious, and is this affecting the free software community's ability to do things in the USA? How the fear of falling foul of the legal framework affected the organisation of LugRadio Live, and comments from the audience about whether this is widespread and what we, as a community, can do about it (34.17) [Discuss this segment in the LugRadio forums]
- Title: The Soul That Died
- Date: 7th April 2008
- Length: 100.47
- Scrum, the project methodology, is from the Agile Programming stable; a brief explanation of it and whether it's worthwhile (3.15) [Talk about how you run software projects in the LugRadio forums]
- Dave Neary talks about the Libre Graphics Meeting, what it's for, and how the LGM team are looking for donations to make this meeting happen -- you can donate to help them! (21.50)
- The egoless desktop -- does the open source community have an advantage over the proprietary world because we don't have to push the names of each project? Is it just as important to have people have loyalty to a particular piece of software even if there's no revenue stream? How vital are brands in the free software world? (38.10) [Discuss this topic in the LugRadio forums]
- LugRadio Live 2008 USA is this Saturday! One final reminder: if you want to go, you can pre-register for a ticket, and remember that there are some really cool prizes on offer if you recommend more friends to buy a ticket than anyone else does! See you all on Saturday... (62.28)
- Your feedback and emails! This week, including Flash mp3 players, stories about how you got into free software, Emacs, conferences, and the state of Linux in Thailand (70.00)
- Title: If You're Not Into Metal
- Date: 25th March 2008
- Length: 92.30
- Rob McQueen of Collabora talks about consulting in the open source world and what's going on with GStreamer (2.20)
- With recent small moves from Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails, among others, towards a Creative-Commons-ish sort of music release process, what's next for the music industry? Can a different model for music really exist? (14.58) [Discuss this on the LugRadio forums]
- Richard Querin wins the LugRadio competition to give Aza Raskin a new hat (39.37)
- Go and pre-register for LugRadio Live USA -- there's less than a month to go! If you recommend your friends to also pre-register, you can win an Asus Eee PC or a Neuros OSD media player (43.06)
- Django, the Python web framework: what's it all about? What's the point of it, and what's it for? (45.45) [Discuss this on the LugRadio forums]
- Your letters: this week we've got comments about, among other things, acceptable non-free software, unfairness to the absent Chris, which mp3/ogg player device people would recommend (send in your answers!), whether we do too much "meta" stuff, Rockbox, and Aq being a god of war (63.56)
- Title: Embracing (and extending) change
- Date: 10th March 2008
- Length: 87.30
- The Mono Worm Turns: Stuart, a past critic of the Mono project, explains how his views have changed and why he's less concerned than before (3.14) [What do you think of Mono? Discuss in the LugRadio forums]
- Blu-Ray wins: after a protracted battle for hearts and minds, the next DVD format for HD video will be Blu-Ray. What's that all about? The team discuss the new format and how it's relevant to what we do (19.52) [Discuss in the LugRadio forums]
- Microsoft have now committed to an "interoperability promise", but do we trust them? Can the leopard really change its spots, or is this just more of the same? Musings on Microsoft's past history, and why this time might be different (33.26) [Is it really different this time? Discuss in the LugRadio forums]
- A quick recap of the exhibition area at LugRadio Live and who's going to be there: if you want to exhibit your project at LRL USA in April, contact us, but time's running out! (62.48)
- Your thoughts, comments, bouquets and brickbats in our email box (64.58)
- Title: Promotion and celebrity
- Date: 25th February 2008
- Length: 86.36
- Your Shipment of Chris has arrived. Chris Procter, the most recent addition to the presenter roster, has some pretty strong views on various technical subjects; we challenge his viewpoints on servers and programming (1.15) [Discuss this segment in the LugRadio forums]
- The results of the Pimp My LugRadio competition! Our winner, who provided the best thing for promoting LugRadio, is Sean Ellis: Sean wins an Asus Eee PC! You can see all the entries at the Pimp My LugRadio page; marvel at Sean's winning entry, and at all the others! (19.55)
- Some more details about the upcoming LugRadio Live USA 2008, April 12th-13th, San Francisco -- registration is now open, and you should buy a ticket now! (23.41)
- The cult of celebrity: is there something separating those well-known people who hack on open source software and those who don't have their names in the limelight? We don't think so (39.23) [Discuss this segment in the LugRadio forums]
- We receive a plaintive and heartfelt cry for help from Aza Raskin: see for more details and our latest competition, in which you can win the LugRadio Finger of God! (56.12)
- Your emails to the show: this week, you (and we) are talking about the Tuxcast podcatcher, other podcasts, Tunapie, a browser for internet radio and TV streams, your thoughts on whether WriteRoom is a good idea (and Pyroom, a clone for Linux), previous winners of the exclusive LugRadio t-shirts (if you won one, take a picture of yourself and blog about it!), technical support as per our previous discussion, fear of chins, and how much to pay for software (62.08)
- Title: All Kinds Of Fail
- Date: 11th February 2008
- Length: 95.14
- We review the fish command line shell and wonder whether shells can ever be interesting (1.50) [Tell us about why shells are important, or why no-one should care, or your views on fish at the LugRadio forums>]
- Pimp My LugRadio, the competition to win an Asus Eee PC, approaches its end: get your entries in (something to promote LugRadio) by the 18th of February if you want to win! (9.15)
- We review the Dell M1330 laptop to see whether it's any good (11.11)
- Why can't home users get paid support for Linux at a reasonable price? Would it be a good idea for distributors to offer phone support, or is IRC good enough? (23.39) [Do you want phone support? Do your parents? Why won't it work? Discuss on the LugRadio forums]
- In the second part of the LugRadio Lock-In, we talk about whether distributions should innovate ahead of their upstream projects, or whether new work should happen upstream by default (38.50)
- We want to hear from you! Get in touch with suggestions for the LugRadio Krypton Factor, if you want to exhibit your project or company, run a BoF, or be part of the crew atLugRadio Live USA, and your ideas for Cool vs. Care (71.01)
- Words from you: your emails! This week we're talked to (and are talking about) audio prompts, Linux Fest Northwest, jokes about fish (not the shell), the MSI Megabook laptop, Frets on Fire (an open source Guitar Hero clone), Fedora porn sites, PyCon 2008 in the US, buying software, buying Windows, KDE 4 again, and vendor lock-in (74.47)
- LugRadio Live USA 2008 is now only two months away! Prepare yourselves. And go watch the LRL2008 USA promotional video and post it on your own blog! (87.50)
- Title: One Foot In The Grave
- Date: 28th January 2008
- Length: 94.34
- The KDE project have released KDE 4.0, their shiny and rebuilt new version which will take them into the next five years. We've tried it out to see what we think. (2.30) [What did you think of KDE 4.0? Was naming it 4.0 the right decision? Let us know on the LugRadio forums]
- In the first of a two-part interview, we talk to Aaron Seigo and Will Stephenson of the KDE project, live from the KDE 4.0 release event in Mountain View. They tell us about how the event's going: Aaron will also be on the next show to respond to our reviews and concerns about KDE 4.0 (22.46)
- In the final LugRadio Top Trumps, Jono gives his scores in the five criteria that we think define the reasons why people are interested in Linux. With extra bonus scores from Matt! (29.17) [How do you score? Tell us, or tell us what the criteria should have been, on the forums]
- Lots of things from all of you. We're pointed at fish, a replacement command-line shell to use instead of bash. K3B plays fanfares when you manage to burn a CD, and we talk about audio alerts being integrated into the desktop. Aq gets shoed about buying a proprietary laptop and loses his temper, as someone writes in to say that their laptop worked perfectly. People have been happily using the new Nokia N810, and we've got a review of it sent in to us. The LugRadio forums have been discussing KDE 4.0 and their approach of naming it 4.0 even though it's still in development, in advance of our review of the same. (55.22)
- We're asked what would make us leave the world of free software. A forums post asked the question, and we take this opportunity to answer. Go tell us what would make you leave! (69.22)
- Title: Time Gentlemen Please
- Date: 14th January 2008
- Length: 78.28
- We speak to Sacha "Sago" Goedegebure from the Peach Project, the new open movie project from the Blender team, who produced Elephant's Dream. What's going on with the project, what's it like to make an open movie, and is it going to be as weird as Elephant's Dream? (1.51) [Have you donated to Peach? Talk about the project in the LugRadio forums]
- This week on LugRadio Top Trumps*: Stuart talks about why freedom is important, why the underdog isn't important, how a lifetime of free Unixes comes about when your home computer is too rubbish to run Windows, and how he scores in the five categories of freedom crusading, tinkering, cheapness, community, and underdogness (14.58)
- The LugRadio Lock-In: is vendor lockin a good idea? Should Linux distributors tie their server and desktop products together to make them work better and more easily, without necessarily pushing those changes to other Linux distros first? Does this necessarily need to be at the expense of their Linux competitors? (34.04) [Would you like to see Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Server tied more closely together? Comment on the LugRadio forums]
- LugRadio Live USA! We can finally confirm the dates: LRL USA 2008 will happen on 12-13th April, 2008, at the Metreon in San Francisco! You'll be able to buy tickets soon; keep an eye on the LugRadio website and the forums for details. The Call For Papers is now open; if you would like to submit a talk, or you'd like your project or company to exhibit, contact us and let us know (52.20)
- The Pimp My LugRadio competition, where you produce some promotional material for LugRadio and win an Asus Eee PC, is still running; get your entries in as soon as you can! We've had a load of great entries so far; get yours in now (54.54)
- Your emails and forum posts! This time, we talk about old-fashioned Unixes again, Hacker Public Radio, brown noses, Adam's shopping habits, virtualisation, our brown masters, and the latest Theo de Raadt and Richard Stallman grudge rematch (56.54)
- Title: Clouds of folly
- Date: 31st December 2007
- Length: 25.00
- Title: Inspirational Muppetational
- Date: 17th December 2007
- Length: 87.06
- Alexandre Juillard from the Wine Project talks about where Wine is, why it isn't finished, and what's coming next (2.02) [Do you use Wine? Tell us about it on the LugRadio forums]
- This week in LugRadio Top Trumps, we look at Adam Sweet's scores in the five categories, freedom-crusading, tinkering, underdog, community, and cheapness. Adam talks about why he's interested in Linux and open source (11.36)
- The Asus EEE PC, a small-form-factor Linux-based laptop that's recently been released and is selling like hotcakes, is reviewed by the team. Does the device live up to the hype? (23.46)
- The LugRadio Predictions Segment: once again we step up to the plate to tell you what we think will happen over the next 12 months in the open source world. With free bonus slagging for us being wrong (occasionally) this time last year (40.12) [What do you think will happen in 2008? Do you think we're wrong? Tell us on the LugRadio forums]
- In Pimp My LugRadio, the LugRadio Christmas competition, you can win an Asus EEE PC! Listen to the show to find out how! (54.34)
- Your letters. This week this includes a shoeing for Adam and Chris for not mentioning VirtualBox in the last show, the new Blender open movie "Peach" project, Stuart's man-boobs, whether sudo is a good idea, Ogg Vorbis support on hardware, and Adam getting his blog 0wned (59.48)
- Title: Bottom trumps
- Date: 3rd December 2007
- Length: 76.46
- The return (briefly) of the long-lamented Hype or Shite segment, with Hypervisor or Shite! Chris and Adam explain what virtualization is actually all about and why people should care: if you're wondering what the difference between Xen and VMWare and QEmu actually is, or you like the idea of having one server which is actually thirty servers, then this is the section for you! (2.00) (Discuss virtualisation here on the LugRadio forums)
- How do we deal with people giving "advice" to newbies where the advice is malicious trolling that deletes their hard drive? Is this symptomatic of a wider problem? Should we be changing the way Linux works to try and counteract this problem? (23.45) (Discuss this subject on the LugRadio forums)
- Why do we actually bother with all this? Why spend all this time working with Linux and open source? The first of a new series looking at the reasons we think people get into all this stuff, and what that means (35.20) (Tell us why you got into Linux on the LugRadio forums)
- Your emails, covering all sorts of things like robotics, OpenStreetMap, Microsoft's Open Source lab, and Robert Plant (46.15)
- Title: A quality production
- Date: 19th November 2007
- Length: 78.07
- Havoc Pennington and Colin Walters from Red Hat talk about the Gnome Online Desktop project - discuss this in the LugRadio forums! (1.23)
- Do we need rockstar programmers? Prompted by Thomas "marnanel" Thurman talking about the hard but unglamorous work that he and the rest of the Metacity team do, we discuss whether it's a good idea to have "rockstar" hackers involved in a project - discuss this in the LugRadio forums! (26.40)
- El Bizarro's Oblique Freak Show! This week on the freak show: Second Life! (41.00)
- The Finger Of God decides which distro is best, as requested by one of our listeners. Send us your choices and let the Finger decide! (54.10)
- LugRadio has been chosen as the best Linux podcasts in the Linux Format magazine Christmas issue. We're pretty pleased by this, unsurprisingly (55.12)
- Your emails, and the best posts from the LugRadio Forums. A brilliant set of emails this time: thanks very much! Way too many to read, and we chose only the best -- the very best email wins a LugRadio t-shirt every week, so get your mails in to, and look at for our voicemail number and the LugRadio forums (56.58)
- Title: One From Four
- Date: 5th November 2007
- Length: 82.10
- Adam Williamson from Mandriva Linux, who have just put out the new Mandriva 2008, talks about the release and where Mandriva are (1.33)
- The Distro Test. In the LugRadio Labs, the team test the best of the latest crop of distro releases — Mandriva 2008, OpenSuSE 10.3, Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon, and Fedora 8 (beta) — by putting them through a series of realistic tasks like connecting a printer, connecting to a Bluetooth phone, playing mp3s, and making the laptop we chose go to sleep. The results were...revealing! (19.40) [Give us your views -- on which is best or what we should have tested -- on the LugRadio Forums!]
- In El Bizarro's Antique Freak Show, our tour around the wild and unexplored corners of the internet, we talk about the Otherkin (51.00)
- Bloodspell is a film created with the process of machinima, using a 3D game engine to create an animated movie (58.02) [Give us your views on the LugRadio Forums!]
- Your emails, and the best posts from the LugRadio Forums. Best email or post will win a LugRadio t-shirt from next episode! (69.33)
- Title: Divine Digits
- Date: 23rd October 2007
- Length: 79.24
- Quim Gil from Nokia talks about Maemo and the new Nokia N810 (1.51) Discuss this segment on the LugRadio forums!
- What's the best? The LugRadio Finger Of God speaks its wisdom to tell us what the best mail client, the best editor, and the best form of music is. Tell us what you'd like to see the Finger decide on next! (13.18)
- Should software vendors be held legally responsible for security holes in their products? (22.19) Discuss this segment on the LugRadio forums!
- Jono's journey into the wonderful world of Ubuntu packaging (36.56)
- Your emails! In this show, Nokia 770s and 800s, open source web applications, the KDE 4 release event, being too tight to buy a printer, Enlightenment live CDs, OOXML and Miguel de Icaza. Send in your emails to best email of each week gets a LugRadio t-shirt! (59.51)
- Title: Lock, Stock, and One Smoking Barrel
- Date: 8th October 2007
- Length: 75.00
- Where's our open source online office suite going to come from? There are plenty of web-based office programs now, but none of them are open source. Can the free software community build a project like this, and do we need to? (1.06)
- Greg Kroah-Hartman, kernel and udev developer, talks about the Linux Driver Project, kernel hacking, and what he's doing at Novell (18.15)
- Is the free software world eating itself alive? Criticism and cooperation across projects: should we all be nice or is it OK to stick the boot in? (26.48)
- A mystery tour...where is our mystery project of the week? (40.10)
- Emails from lots of people: keep sending them in! (53.50)
- LugRadio Live USA news: we're looking for venue suggestions (the DNA Lounge, which we were aiming for, is over-21 only, sadly!) Contact us at if you know of a good event venue for LRL USA in San Francisco.
- Title: All things happen in fives
- Date: 24th September 2007
- Length: 67.12
- Why is server stuff so hard? The sysadmin half of the team (Adam and Chris) respond to accusations from the desktop half of the team (Jono and Aq) (2.43)
- Miguel de Icaza, leader of the Mono project, comes on the show to speak about Moonlight, the Mono team's implementation of Microsoft's Silverlight rich internet application system, and to give his side of the controversy surrounding the project (13.55)
- The Mystery Hunt: where is...XUL? (30.35)
- Adam reviews two Linux-based embedded devices, the Neuros OSD TV movie streamer and the GP2X handheld games console (39.40)
- Your letters, including geography abuse, stereo abuse, name abuse, and the Ontario Linux fest. Send us your emails to or through (53.20)
- LugRadio Live USA is really happening! American listeners, come join us for a weekend of fun and frolics on March 22nd and 23rd in San Francisco (63.08)
- Title: Summer 2007 Conference Special
- Date: 12th September 2007
- Length: 91.40
- Thoughts on PyCon (1.43)
- Stackless Python: Christian Tismer tells us all about what Stackless is and demonstrates his own hardcore coding abilities (5.46)
- Django: Simon Willison talks about the leading Python web framework, what's going on with it, and how Adrian Holovaty is a coke fiend (12.49)
- Zeth Green from the PyCon organising committee speaks about what it was like to run the conference (23.40)
- Wrap up and what we thought (30.02)
- A summary of Guadec, joined by special guest and Perl hacker Barbie (38.58)
- Quim Gil from Nokia speaks about what he's doing in the ice-cold nation of Finland and how this Guadec compares to the one he organised in 2006 (63.09)
- Lennart Poettering (Avahi and PulseAudio hacker) on what he's up to and what he thinks of the conference (71.09)
- PiTiVi: Edward Hervey goes from zero to hero by making sweeping changes to make the PiTiVi video editor much better in the space of 24 hours (75.08)
- Rob McQueen from Collabora on what his company are up to in the Gnome world (79.53)
- Title: LugRadio Live and Unleashed 2007
- Date: 7th July 2007
- Length: 66.52
- LRL Stories: people at LugRadio Live tell us what they thought and what they liked
- Software patents: can we just ignore America and build a Linux distribution that everyone can use and which can play mp3s?
- Awards: prizes and congratulation to people who have done good things, including the people who travelled furthest to LRL and the LugRadio Community Hero
- Server stuff: how should you set up email?
- Ade announces that this is his last show. We say goodbye and introduce the new presenter, Chris Procter
- We announce that LugRadio is coming to America! Yes, in 2008 there will not only be LugRadio Live but also LugRadio Live USA! Book your tickets for March!
- Title: The five best things about Britain
- Date: 2nd July 2007
- Length: 83.28
- The BBC are about to release iPlayer, a way of watching the last week of BBC shows...if you're on a Windows machine which supports DRMed Windows Media Player files. Is this a good idea? Is there anything they could have done instead? (2.38)
- This week Jono are mostly been playing with...UPnP media sharing between Linux and the PlayStation 3 (22.21)
- Ian "Howlin' Mad" Murdock from Sun talks about Project Indiana, Sun's project to produce an easily-installable version of OpenSolaris (29.17)
- Google Adsense: problems that we've had with it, alternatives to Adsense, and what can be done about it (36.52)
- By 'eck, it's fooked: things that are fooked, in particular Bluetooth integration under the free desktop and simple file sharing (45.40)
- Emails and voicemails: you speak to us! Thanks for all your emails over this series -- send us more over the summer! (57.36)
- Final LugRadio Live details! Which social events are going on around LRL this year! LugRadio Live 2007 is this Saturday and Sunday: if you're coming and haven't yet booked a ticket, go to and see the Register page to buy a ticket or tell us you're going to buy one on the door! (76.16)
- Title: Long is the way
- Date: 18th June 2007
- Length: 76.51
- Why doesn't Aq run Debian instead of Ubuntu? Thoughts on the nature of software freedom, accidental wireless, and how to test a new OS (2.40)
- Fedora 7 was recently released: our resident Fedora expert speaks about what's changed and his thoughts (15.47)
- Linspire sign a cross-licence patent deal with Microsoft, following in the footsteps of Novell and Xandros: is this a trend? What are we doing? (34.56)
- The winner of the Getting High With Linux competition! The three entries are available on the Getting High With Linux competition page at (47.40)
- Your emails (not at the end of the show!) Send us email to the show email address, including your pictures of the presenters, and leave us audio messages on 0845 86 89 855 (51.27)
- LugRadio Live: there's less than three weeks to go! Go and register! July 7th-8th in Wolverhampton: be there (62.45)
- Title: A Cave Less Travelled
- Date: 4th June 2007
- Length: 91.06
- AMD/ATI announced at the Red Hat Summit that they were committed to fixing the ATI problems with open source: is it likely to happen, and what would it mean? (0.51)
- A life recorder: if something existed that could record your entire sensory experience all the time, would you use it? How would it alter the world? (7.45)
- Aaron Seigo gives us an update on KDE4 (22.22)
- Buying a laptop for Linux: Ade's friend has a laptop where all the parts are supported by Linux but no one distro covers them all. What can we do about it, and should we be looking at Linux-specific hardware vendors? (39.03)
- Many, many of your emails! (58.00)
- LugRadio Live update, including a call for exhibitors: contact if you want to be part of the exhibition! Please also contact us if you're interested in doing a visual demo of something cool as part of the Hour of Power! (85.13)
- Title: Anger Mismanagement
- Date: 21st May 2007
- Length: 68.06
- Coopetition: is it really possible to both compete and work together with competitors?(1.19)
- Microsoft issue yet more patent threats, but do they actually mean anything? Should we be running scared or give them the "hand that ain't listening"? We talk to Bradley M. Kuhn from The Software Freedom Law Center and get his viewpoint. (11.30)
- Red Hat make a number of announcements at the Red Hat Summit. The team deliberate and try to understand exactly what they mean. (34.03)
- Your emails, Matt's last segment as a full member and introducing his spiky-haired replacement. (44.50)
- Revell's best and most wobbly bits. (65.41)
- Title: You bring it all on yourself
- Date: 14th May 2007
- Length: 72.08
- Jeremie Zimmerman from APRIL, the French free software promotion and defence organisation, talks about the French presidential elections and the status of open source software in France (2.38)
- Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) has been released: is it any good? (11.21)
- Branden Holtsclaw talks about packaging in distributions and what's involved, man (21.25)
- It's the year of the desktop (rly!): what needs fixing about the free software desktop? (26.43)
- Neuro explains what the elite LugRadio Ninja team do to keep everything that is the LugRadio community running (36.02)
- Your letters, and a note on LugRadio Live 2007 (52.45)
- Title: You spin me right round
- Date: 23rd April 2007
- Length: 98:43
- Are the FSF and GNU still important? We talk to Matt Lee who works closely with GNU about the FSF, GNU, Defective By Design, Bad Vista and where the FSF and GNU are positioned in the community and where they are important. (3.53)
- Crazy SydAdmin Foo: we talk to Chris Jones, one of the SysAdmins at Canonical about what life is like for a SysAdmin and what kind of black magic is involved to keep things ticking. (38.30)
- The P and Ade return for a segment so we can talk to John Alfred Knottenbelt from Introversion games, makers of Uplink, Defcon and other games in which Linux is a platform. (55.26)
- This week, the new fellas have been mostly playing with Thunderbird 2 and Asterisk. (71.56)
- A bumper selection of emails and other usual randomness. (82.24)
- We loved Matt Lee so much, we recorded a short bonus interview with him - be wowed at his rather unconventional responses. (99.54)
- Title: I'll have a P please
- Date: 9th April 2007
- Length: 98:43
- Apple TV: thoughts on what Apple's new TV watching system might mean for us (2.03)
- Ian "Howlin' Mad" Murdock joins Sun Microsystems and talks to LugRadio about what he'll be doing (10.30)
- This week, Ade are mostly been playing with OpenVZ, an OS virtualisation system where your virtual machines share the same kernel (24.33)
- The Sony PlayStation 3 (31.53)
- James Governor, analyst for RedMonk, talks about what analysts do and what they mean for the open source community (45.54)
- This week, Matt are mostly been playing with MoinMoin, a Python wiki (59.37)
- The LugRadio community: what's going on, and how we'd like to do more. Send us your ideas for things you'd like to see us do or like to see happen in the LugRadio community! (67.40)
- Title: Gong
- Date: 26th March 2007
- Length: 94:14
- Applications on the free desktop should integrate with free resources on the internet: Rhythmbox with Creative Commons music from Jamendo and Magnatune, etc (2.13)
- Becky Hogge talks about the Open Rights Group, the "British EFF", and what they've been doing since they were set up (18.35)
- How do you convince people to use Linux? We can't say any more that it's faster and more secure and more stable because it isn't... (32.10)
- If you could go back in time and change something to make Linux more successful, what would it be? (54.08)
- A few emails, and Adam Sweet's Gong-a-Thong Lightbulb Talk Extravaganza (71.47)
- Title: Greasy Earring Blasters
- Date: 12th March 2007
- Length: 123:36
- Do we spend too much time promoting and pushing Linux and ignoring the many other free Operating Systems available? (3.48)
- Opera include support for Ogg Vorbis and Theora formats, what else is needed to promote free media formats? (23.41)
- With the rampaging development of KDE4, is the GNOME project losing its way by not leading their community and defining an exciting and different GNOME desktop? (46.23)
- Interview with Christian Schaller about his life, his experiences, GStreamer, Fluendo and everything in-between. (68.30)
- Your letters, the LUGRadio team share their secret embarrassing loves, the horn returns, more LUGRadio Live 2007 pimping and more. (88.39)
- Title: Skycon 2007
- Date: 26th February 2007
- Length: 46.24
- We're at Skycon! Three-quarters of the team, without our bald compadre Ade, introduce the show (0.00)
- The legendary Matt Garrett and his interesting suspend and resume stories! Why your computer's hardware doesn't work properly, how all laptop manufacturers are fascist murderers who hate freedom, and why Matt hasn't fixed it all yet(3.50)
- David "tyrion" Dolphin, PR officer for Skynet and Simon Willison lookalike (ya rly!), talks about Skynet, how Skycon came about, and what organising the conference has been like (14.50)
- Niall "digitaldeath" O'Brien, attendee at Skycon and LugRadio forums poster, talks about what the conference is like to attend and how shit Dublin is (25.42)
- Alan Cox (for it is he) on the different groups of non-programming people in the open source community and how to get non-coders more interested in free software (33.20)
- Sumup: how Skycon was for us (41.12)
- Title: The importance of being critical
- Date: 12th February 2007
- Length: 105:36
- Does everyone hate the FSF? The reputability of online news sources (1.10)
- What would Eric do? Acceptable uses for open source software, and just what "No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor" actually means (11.15)
- Wouter van Heyst talks about the Bazaar source-control project (22.45)
- Web applications versus desktop applications: the old chestnut rears its head again, with a definition of what "progressive enhancement" means in the context of the web (32.12)
- The community speaks: many emails from all of you (67.15)
- More LugRadio Live information! The website is now available, we're starting to pull the speakers list together (and please submit your papers!), and it's beginning to rock harder than Ayers Rock and the Rock of Gibraltar on top of one another. Prepare yourselves: 7th-8th July 2007 (96.50)
- Title: Bald at both ends
- Date: 29th January 2007
- Length: 84:50
- Mickey Lauer from the OpenMoko project talks about the new Linux-based OpenMoko phone platform (1.30)
- Have you looked at your arse in the mirror? (28.50)
- Will Linspire's Click-n-Run be useful for other distributions? (34.51)
- Linking free software appllications to commercial services: will you ever be able to have your photos professionally printed from f-spot? (48.33)
- You speak! Emails from all of you (60.10)
- LugRadio Live 2007 Call For Papers: if you're interested in speaking or exhibiting at Lugradio Live 2007 (date not yet announced, but if you were to think in terms of July-ish 2007 then you wouldn't be far wrong) then contact us. Mail to show-at-lugradio-dot-org to let us know! (72.30)
- Title: She gives me a biscuit
- Date: 16th January 2007
- Length: 100.29
- Stefan from the Nouveau project to make proper 3d open source drivers for nVidia cards talks about what the project's doing, why it's difficult, and how far they've got (7.30)
- The opposite of forking: can projects ever come together? (19.58)
- Miguel de Icaza talks about the latest developments with Mono, including the 1.2 release with support for Windows.Forms (32.04)
- Does the lack of decent 3d support on Linux eliminate gaming, or are there games which people want to play that don't need it? Stuart asks, Ade mocks, we all discuss (54.00)
- Your chance to speak, including thoughts on the Open Graphics Project, whether Tollef Fog Heen sounds like a robot, Beryl, and David Hasslehoff impersonation (68.38)
- Title: Say you want a resolution
- Date: 2nd January 2007
- Length: 89:49
- 3D graphics and the desktop, in the shape of Beryl and Compiz: what's the difference between these two things, and why should you care? (2.38)
- In last year's Christmas show we gave our predictions for 2006 by looking into Ade's Crystal Bald: how accurate were we? (15.58)
- Of course, the Crystal Bald is still working: now, what do we think will happen in 2007? Featuring Matt talking about a huge divide, Stuart talking about ISVs, Jono talking about Macromedia, and Ade talking about a load of stuff which is just never gonna happen (29.35)
- Title: Your online source of pegs
- Date: 18th December 2006
- Length: 84.58
- After Groklaw claimed that Novell were 'forking', we ask: is open source journalism becoming too sensationalist? (2.50)
- Nat Friedman from Novell talks about Novell's view of their deal with Microsoft and where Novell are going next (17.05)
- Open Source killers: does Miguel have an angry minion army, The Floating Luis Villa Head of Death, and whether large necks are the sign of a murderer (49.57)
- Chris DiBona from Google talks about Google's view of open source, what he's up to at the moment, and where Google get their money from (55.56)
- We complain about the emails, completely unfairly. Send in your emails to! (73.50)
- Title: Take a spoon
- Date: 4th December 2006
- Length: 90.30
- Jokosher 0.2 is now available; Jono and Aq explain why we're not yet using it for LugRadio, what 0.2 does that 0.1 didn't, and what's next on the horizon for the best audio editor in the world (2.16)
- Simon Phipps from Sun talks about Java now being open sourced and what Sun are going to do now, as well as giving Pipex a kicking for his DSL connection not working (19.03)
- Mark Shuttleworth of Canonical emailed the OpenSuSE developers list to invite those developers to join Ubuntu. Jono gets a (pretty undeserved) kicking for this from the rest of the team and the nature of "party lines", and defends himself admirably (34.30)
- Many, many emails, and email-prompted discussion, including more on release cycles, anechoic rooms, source for creative endeavours like art and music, open source pets that don't need feeding, codecs, and Adam's ring (50.25)
- Title: That's Arr-Path
- Date: 20th November 2006
- Length: 68.41
- Planets: is the PlanetPlanet RSS aggregator annoying, now that every open source project in the world has one? (3.12)
- Matt Wilson from rPath Linux talks about what makes rPath different from other Linux distributions and what they're for, and manfully ignores us deliberately pronouncing the name of his company wrong (15.24)
- Is rPath a good idea? Are specialised Linux distributions a good idea? Are these the same question? (30.22)
- Push email in the latest Microsoft Exchange 2003 and Windows Mobile devices; can Linux do this? Are we failing to provide stuff that people actually want and falling behind Exchange? (41.55)
- What's the point of releases at all? Why not just have new software arrive on your desktop whenever it's released? Ade complains (50.43)
- No emails, owing to two shows being recorded at once, so some free rambling from the team about LugRadio Live 2007 among other things. Mail us to tell us when in 2007 you'd like LRL to be! (64.20)
- Title: Apparently award winners
- Date: 6th November 2006
- Length: 88.54
- Licence proliferation: are there too many open source licences, does this confuse new people, and is there anything that can be done about it? (2.15)
- Alan "Popey the sailor man" Pope talks about the purpose of Linux User Groups in the UK and where they're going (16.40)
- Matt's got a new job, working at Canonical as Launchpad Marketing Manager. What's he going to be up to, and is Launchpad any good? Plus a free Jokosher update! (32.20)
- The open source community is entirely reliant on other people producing hardware for us to run open source software on. Is this a weakness? Can it be fixed? Does it matter? (45.00)
- Emails! (63.22)
- Title: Duelling Banjo Strings
- Date: 23rd October 2006
- Length: 81.28
- Might open-source zealotry lead to someone stepping over the line into violent acts? (5.14)
- Eric Raymond talks about what he's been up to, what he thinks the Linux desktop needs to do next, and whether he likes Everyone Loves Eric Raymond, followed by an argumentative discussion by the team on ESR's ideas and the methods he proposes (14.02)
- How do you organise your life? Is technology helping with this as much as it could? (48.28)
- Emails about community contributions, LugRadio Live USA, and Ade's secret wiki (59.51)
- Title: A show of segments
- Date: 9th October 2006
- Length: 76.18
- Which closed-source applications would we like to see open-sourced? (2.56)
- Waldo Bastian talks about the Portland Project to unify some things between Linux desktop environments, which he's speaking on at aKademy, and what he's expecting from the conference (19.01)
- Updating software, and the nature of trust; have recent high-profile failures in software updates destroyed our trust? (34.30)
- John Cherry, aKademy keynoter and OSDL Initiative Manager, talks about the state of the Linux desktop from OSDL's point of view (47.00)
- Conferences and award ceremonies: is there a difference between the corporate and community worlds? (56.19)
- Since we have no emails this week, a chance to say thankyou to the lots of people who help us out. We wouldn't have a show without you, so a big thanks to the LugRadio community! (69.09)
- Title: Not Bob Plums
- Date: 25th September 2006
- Length: 92:02
- Ah, Distro! Which distro are you? Which are the team? Either a measured and logical comparison of Linux distributions or an excuse for petty namecalling on the part of the presenters; you be the judge! (2.01)
- The previous segment includes a special bonus kicking for Ade about opening up his private wiki full of useful information, too, and the usefulness generally of taking your knowledge and publishing it on the web (10.50)
- Pia Waugh talks about Software Freedom Day (19.24)
- Make Time or Fuck Off! Is it reasonable to demand that people using free software should make time to contribute to the community? Could people find more time than they do? Do open source projects give the impression that you should? (29.33)
- Scott James Remnant talks about upstart, a subsystem for starting, stopping, and managing processes, and what it means for distributions that will use it (57.00)
- Many, many emails (68.27)
- Title: Banger Memorial Show
- Date: 11th September 2006
- Length: 85:00
- Linspire: the controversy about them allegedly tampering with DistroWatch rankings, contrasted with the Linspire team releasing the Click-n-Run client as open source and removing the annual fee. What do we think? (3.13)
- Sava Tatic from Campware talks about free software and free media (13.20)
- Matt and Jono are now part of the Ubuntu team, Matt in the Marketing Team and Jono a Canonical employee as Ubuntu Community Manager. Thoughts on how it's been so far, and the nature of community projects (26.37)
- Stephen "SheepEatingTaz" Garton from Hull LUG talks about their new community outreach "Hull FLOSS" initiative (44.21)
- A (completely fictional) LugRadio Summer of Code: which projects would we anoint? Write in and tell us which projects you think got overlooked! (50.21)
- Your letters from over the summer! Send in your thoughts on the show, things you'd like to see us talk about, and comments on the wonderful world of free software. If you've got a silly name that's an extra bonus. (71.28)
- Title: LugRadio Live and Unleashed 2006
- Date: 22nd July 2006
- Length: 70:00
- Open Source Pass the Parcel: whether geeks can catch (they can't) or think of questions for the LR team (some can) (3.30)
- Justin "juski" Hornsby talks live on stage about MythTV and the Myth users community, as well as the Myth developers and how you too can bring your TV into the 21st century (14.35)
- The famous prizegiving ceremony: the LugRadio team hand out prizes to people who've done great stuff over the last year and at LRL itself, including the much-coveted LugRadio Community Hero award (22.08)
- Communities: how can we build communities around free software? The audience speaks (35.40)
- Jono and Aq get their beards shaved for charity, implicitly electing Ade as the man with the longest beard in LugRadio, and we all say goodbye for another year (53.03)
- Title: To MS and back again
- Date: 17th July 2006
- Length: 83.55
- The LugRadio team were invited to Microsoft to talk about open source and what makes a community; here's how it went (1.10)
- Graham Taylor from Open Forum Europe talks about Microsoft and's Open Document Format, and what MS's promise of support means (25.44)
- Open Source Pass the Parcel: listen and learn ready to play at LRL! (36.31)
- LugRadio Live 2006 is on in less than a week; Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of July. the final round-up of what's going on at the best open source and Linux community conference in the history of the universe! (47.31)
- Your emails: a huge mountain of them this time because we didn't read any at Guadec. Thanks for sending them in: tell us if you think that the voicemail should be switched back on! (61.19)
- Title: Guadec Day 4
- Date: 30th June 2006
- Length: 25:50
- Title: Guadec Day 3
- Date: 29th June 2006
- Length: 25:50
- Robert Love & Joe Shaw
- Luis Villa
- Title: Guadec Day 2
- Date: 28th June 2006
- Length: 30:51
- Title: Guadec Day 1
- Date: 27th June 2006
- Length: 22:18
- Mirco Müller
- Aaron Bockover
- Title: Beard/Linux
- Date: 19th June 2006
- Length: 89:47
- Matthew East of the Ubuntu Documentation Project talks about docs in the open source world, how important it is, and how you can be involved (1.08)
- Collaborative editing of documents in AbiWord and gobby, and how people can collaborate to write documentation for software (16.12)
- Gareth Bowker from FSF Europe talks about what FSF Europe do and how separate they are from the US Free Software Foundation (32.00)
- The team talk about Richard Stallman refusing to be interviewed because we talk about "open source" and "Linux" rather than "free software" and "GNU/Linux", and whether that's a reasonable stance to take (45.37)
- Should someone create and devote time to a Linux distribution that just looks pretty? (55.38)
- Your emails (65.05)
- Title: Give them hell
- Date: 5th June 2006
- Length: 75:09
- Simon Phipps from Sun and an unwell Mark Shuttleworth from Canonical talk about Ubuntu 6.06 LTS's support of Sun's SPARC machines, an eventual free Java, and running Dapper on your digital camera (2.00)
- Mm, Betty: guess the open source celebrity impression this week! (23.24)
- Google release Picasa for Linux by releasing the Windows version and telling us to run it with Wine: is this a good approach? (24.39)
- Defective by Design picketed the WinHEC conference to protest DRM: good or bad idea? (38.05)
- GPL! Version 3! (51.52)
- Your letters (52.45)
- Title: Is that what you want? Pulp?
- Date: 22th May 2006
- Length: 74:40
- Rory McCann from Camara talks about the charity's work in sending refurbished computers from Ireland to schools and educational institutions in Africa (4.13)
- Ooh, Betty! A new quiz: guess which famous free software celebrity is being impersonated (14.46)
- Elephants Dream, the first open source animated short, was built with open-source tools and released under a Creative Commons licence recently. What's it all about? (17.01)
- The open source community can all work together and recommend one another's products. Do proprietary companies understand this, and is it a good weapon against them? (25.51)
- That's shit, that is! An outpouring of mindless hatred from the team (36.51)
- The mailbag: your emails! (48.09)
- LugRadio Live update: only 61 days to go! (62.11)
- Title: Pigeon! Like your English!
- Date: 8th May 2006
- Length: 79:08
- Should the Linux kernel team fix kernel bugs that prevent viruses working? (2.25)
- Kevin Carmony talks about Freespire and what Linspire are up to, and then the team discuss why Linspire still don't have a great reputation (6.18)
- Unashamed free software pimping -- what's good about it. Screw being balanced and reasonable; let's shout about the good stuff (32.30)
- If Microsoft open sourced everything, would they survive? Would Linux survive? (43.15)
- Your emails (57.05)
- Title: Novell or Navel
- Date: 24th April 2006
- Length: 85:28
- Why oh you need so many media players installed on a Linux desktop in order to get an acceptable multimedia experience? (2.22)
- Do your collar and cuffs match? A new segment looking at the differences between OSS companies' public declarations and what they actually do. This week: Novell, what with Ted being on the show and all (13.22)
- Can the open source community do revolutionary research? Jono returns from a trip to Microsoft's research labs to ask whether we can match them (41.45)
- Your mails! Including more nominations for the Fasthosts free server for a year -- send in your nominations for an open source project to receive a free server (60.32)
- Title: The Diva Cup
- Date: 10th April 2006
- Length: 87:19
- Jono pimps the UK LUG Tour being done by him and Ted Haegar from Novell (1.20)
- Matthew Garrett from Canonical speaks about laptops, why suspend doesn't work, and Linux on the MacBook Pro (3.55)
- Why Oh Why? A new section to bemoan why some things happen and whether something needs doing about it. This week, Ade asks whether six-month release cycles are a good thing (13.28)
- Michael "mdk" Dominic talks about Diva, the video editor for Linux (27.25)
- Desktop vs. Web: can web applications replace desktop apps? (36.02)
- Your mails! Including some early nominations for the Fasthosts free server for a year -- send in your nominations for an open source project to receive a free server (54.42)
- Title: Mysterious monkey voicemail
- Date: 27th March 2006
- Length: 88:24
- Fasthosts, Matt's employer, have offered us a server to donate to an open source project, so we're collecting nomnations. If you'd like to nominate a project to receive this co-located server, with all bills paid for at least a year, please mail us at! (1.52)
- Cliff Brereton from IBM talks about what Big Blue are up to in the world of open source in a five minute update (6.42)
- The What The Fuck Book Truck this week stops at Ade's house, where he talks about Just For Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary by Linus Torvalds and David Diamond (17.15)
- Jeremy Katz from Red Hat talks about Fedora Core 5 and what's new in the distribution (25.30)
- Why is Mac OS X better than Linux? The team fight about whether it actually is, and what the difference might be (36.12)
- Jeremy Katz returns to tell us why Red Hat now includes Mono-based software and about the Open Invention Network (49.25)
- Your letters, dogs eating shit, and LugRadio Live news (54.10)
- Title: Bingo Wings
- Date: 13th March 2006
- Length: 86:19
- We talk to Sean McGrath from Propylon about being the fourth largest contributor to (3.08)
- We talk about the LUGRadio community effort to build Jokosher; an Open Source audio editor that is easy to use, and that can actually be used to record LUGRadio (11.31)
- Open graphics: We talk to Timothy Miller about his effort to build an Open Source graphics card (19.47)
- The WTF Book Truck: This time Matt shares his love of Defensive Design for the Web (33.14)
- Hidden talents: Timothy Miller from the Open Graphics Project demonstrates some talents discovered in the soundcheck (42.52)
- Travel with LUGRadio: Sharing the latest travel thoughts, Jono talks about his trip to SCALE 4x in LA and Ade talks about his jaunt to FOSDEM in Belgium (43.25)
- Your letters, and LUGRadio Live 2006 registration has opened!! Go here to register for the greatest Open Source and free software event in 2006! (59.53)
- Title: Sunny Delight
- Date: 27th February 2006
- Length: 88:49
- The lesser of two evils: is there a moral difference between Windows and Mac OS X? (2.25)
- Chris Messina from Flock talks about the Flock browser and where it's going (18.10)
- The WTF Book Truck: Jono extols the virtues of Don Norman's The Design of Everyday Things (30.10)
- Sun Microsystems' Simon Phipps tells us what Sun are doing with open source software, including a promise that all Sun software will be open-source eventually (39.15)
- Is the advent of Xgl and AIGLX to give the Linux desktop super eye candy and usability problematic because it encourages the use of proprietary video drivers? Will it encourage the improvement of the open source drivers? (57.32)
- Your letters (69.50)
- LugRadio Live 2006 update, including a call for BOFs (Birds of a Feather sessions) and more on who will be speaking (77.20)
- Title: C-bombs away!
- Date: 13th February 2006
- Length: 85:44
- Important but not interesting - What's the difference between a FOSS project that's important and one that's interesting? (1.20)
- Will Linux ever be ready for gaming? Is it more a commercial problem than a technical problem? (15.17)
- Jacob "jimmac" Steiner from the Tango Project tells us what we can do to encourage more artists into the FOSS way of life (27.48)
- The What the Fuck Book Truck: this week, Aq yarns on about The Cuckoo's Egg, his favourite open source related book! (41.42)
- Dave "bolsh" Neary tells us about the Libre Graphics Meeting (47.55)
- A full half hour of outro! Includes your emails, your voicemails and us chatting about LugRadio Live! (55.44)
- Title: It's called Wine because we whine a lot
- Date: 30th January 2006
- Length: 91:54
- Look Queer For The New Year: competition results! (1.50)
- Mike Hearn of the Autopackage project with a five-minute-updateTM on where the project's up to, what's next on the list, and why you shouldn't use Python C extensions (8.13)
- Ade asks about when to use open source software in a work environment, and whether resistance from Windows techs is a big problem (15.04)
- Jeremy White, head of CodeWeavers, talks about the WINE project and what's going on with running Windows apps on Unix(34.05)
- What can people who are new to the free software community do to get involved? (55.16)
- The What The Fuck Book Truck rolls into town! A new segment in which, each week, one person recommends a book to read that's about open source software or to do with the mentality of it or might just be good to read for people in the community. This week, Adam recommends Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution by Glyn Moody (64.10)
- A deluge of letters from all of you! (68.25)
- Title: I'm an excellent driver
- Date: 16th January 2006
- Length: 89:17
- How can we get artists and designers involved in open source? (1.25)
- The team talk to Cory Ondrejka of Linden Labs about Second Life... (16.35)
- ...and then talk amongst themselves about it (41.00)
- Belief in open source: is there enough faith that free software can really produce the right stuff? (46.30)
- Your emails! (68.23)
- Title: Happy GNU Year
- Date: 3rd January 2006
- Length: 67:51
- Results in the Stupid Hat for Corporate Tat competition: see the winners yourself! (3.35)
- Hype Or Shite: (7.07)
- A new competition: Look Queer for the New Year. Send us your pictures of you looking queer in this brand new year of 2006 to win some cool corporate tat from Sun Microsystems and the OpenSolaris project! (26.45)
- The team give their New Year's resolutions (27.30)
- The LugRadio 2005 Open Source Awards: see the winners yourself! (28.15)
- Do distributions hold back changes from upstream? Why are there a hundred patches applied to Ubuntu's kernel? Jono asks why this happens (38.06)
- Ade's Crystal Bald: our predictions for 2006 (47.22)
- Sign yourself up for the coaches for LugRadio Live! (56.30)
- Title: 'Tis the season to be Linux
- Date: 19th December 2005
- Length: 89:36
- The Prophet LugRadio: a review of the predictions made in the 2004 Christmas special and just how wrong we were
- BuddyPing: we talk to Justin Davies about buddyPing and social networks, and then argue amongst ourselves about it
- A competition! Novell have donated some stuff to be given away, and you could win! Enter our competition, "Stupid Hat for Corporate Tat", by sending a picture of yourself in the stupidest hat you can buy, steal, or construct to Bonus points for having the word "LugRadio" on your hat, or anything else that we find funny like wearing an enormous chin prosthesis or something
- Aaron Seigo with a five-minute update on where the KDE desktop is headed, cool stuff they're working on, and integration with
- Hype or Shite (it returns!): this week the team talk about eye candy. Is looking pretty important? Does eye candy just mean looking pretty?
- Your letters, and the LugRadio community speaks through the medium of voicemail
- Title: Must be funny, in a rich man's world
- Date: 5th December 2005
- Length: 78:34
- Bill Hilf from Microsoft talks about MS's attitudes to open source (1.30)
- Hype or Shite: MythTV. Is the homebrew PVR project good or not so good? Also, write in to tell us whether this segment is Hype or Shite! Do you want us to continue? (28.45)
- Philip Copeman from TurboCash, accounting software for Windows, about why he made the move from proprietary software to open source, the possibility of a Linux port, and what it's like to pick Quickbooks and Sage as an enemy (41.30)
- Do open source projects need money, how should they get it, and is it reasonable to demand money from your community in order that the project can survive? (51.00)
- Your letters, with included No voicemails, though: call 0870 931 1730 to leave us a voice message! (60.04)
- LugRadio Live 2006 — more news on the UK's best Linux event, on 22nd and 23rd July 2006 (72.05)
- Title: We're all too long
- Date: 21st November 2005
- Length: 91:00
- OpenSolaris: Adam Leventhal talks about Sun's open source operating system, what makes it different from Linux, and what's going on with the project (3.32)
- Hype or Shite: is Voice over IP going somewhere, or just a load of windy hot air? (25.18)
- Linux used to have "good performance" on the benefits list, but in recent times desktop Linux has ended up being slower than the alternatives. Is there anything we can do about it? (41.43)
- What will Linux and open-source be like in fifty years? The team talk about how the computing landscape might be different a half-century from now (52.56)
- Your letters, including an all-new jingle! (71.25)
- Title: Whether the weather
- Date: 8th November 2005
- Length: 92:50
- Hype or Shite? Are various things hype or shite? First in an ongoing series: this week, the team talk about Web 2.0 (2.30)
- Peter Hollingsworth talks about Weatherscape XT, the real-time weather map generator used by the BBC among others that runs on Linux (18.16)
- The world has a memory - how does constant archiving affect how the world works? (28.10)
- John Leach from Everybody loves Eric Raymond talks to the team about his comic strip, neglecting to mention his pre-emptive strike against LugRadio! (38.20)
- And then? - what does Linux need? (46.05)
- Your letters and voicemails: mail us on or leave us voicemail on 0870 931 1730 (+44 870 931 1730 internationally) (this is the correct number: ignore the number from show 1!) (71.42)
- Title: We're forking back
- Date: 31st October 2005
- Length: 78:07
- The LugRadio Listener Map, available at -- add yourself! (3.45)
- Shit or Treat - the team review various things in a Hallowe'en stylee, including Wine, the Wikipedia, Novell's recent announcements of layoffs, Beagle, Everybody Loves Eric Raymond, Frappr, Office 12, and the 2005 UK Linux Expo (5.50)
- Ian Wilson from Zen Cart talks about online shopping carts, documentation, and why to fork (24.48)
- Forking: is it a good idea? (41.11)
- Can we give people the root password? On whether security people go over the top, and whether ordinary users can be trusted (50.55)
- Vote for your choice of new letters jingle! (66.52)
- Your voicemails: send us more on 0870 930 1730 (UK) or +44 870 930 1730 (international) (68.50)
- Setting up an organisation to campaign for digital rights in the UK: you too can pledge your support and contributions (74.20)
- Call for suggestions for speakers for LugRadio Live 2006: add your suggestions to the wiki (76.15)
- Title: Ironic podcast hatred
- Date: 05 August 2005
- Length: 91:23
- OpenSuSE: Novell's rebranding of SuSE as a community project. The team talk to Greg Mancusi-Ungaro, Novell marketing manager
- Is podcasting overhyped or the next big thing or something in between?
- Joe Shaw talks about Beagle, Linux's desktop search software
- A retrospective over season two of LugRadio in this, the last show of the series
- Your letters, an extra special Ubuntu competition
- Jono and Adam jam the LUGRadio theme tune (Jono on drums, Adam on bass) with some of the Season 2 best bits
- Title: The one with all the interviews
- Date: 01 August 2005
- Length: 88:23
- Ryan Quinn of the SymphonyOS project talks about what Symphony is and how they're innovating in the desktop space
- As the Hula Project announce that they'll be releasing a Gmail-a-like web interface, the team discuss whether it's best for projects to wait until they have some working code before involving the community or whether to throw open the doors at the earliest opportunity
- Henrik Nielsen Omma talks about The Open CD and Software Freedom Day
- More filthy gambles!
- Carl Worth talks about the Cairo vector graphics library on which new versions of Gnome will be based
- Title: Ribald for her pleasure
- Date: 18 July 2005
- Length: 88:23
- GStreamer: what is it?
- Edward Hervey talks about PiTiVi, the GStreamer-based non-linear video editor
- Is it more important to have lots of flexibility or to do one thing but make that the right thing?
- Sarah Ewen talks about Linux on the Playstation
- Filthy Gamble: how much would you have to be paid to kill Linus Torvalds while wearing a kangaroo suit?
- The net, blogging, and the terrorist attack in London
- Title: LugRadio Live and Unrestrained
- Date: 25 June 2005
- Length: 52:28
- Title: Bars with coconut in
- Date: 04 July 2005
- Length: 67:00
- An interview with Yannick and Carlos from Nokia about the Nokia Internet Tablet and the company's approach to open-source software
- Bounties for writing code: are they a good idea?
- Ian Brown, head of FIPR, on ID cards in the UK, and whether they should happen or not
- Samba: should we be inventing our own open protocols rather than chasing the tail-lights of closed competitors?
- Title: Something old, something new
- Date: 20 June 2005
- Length: 67:00
- The team talk to Dave Camp about Novell's direction with the Hula mail and calendar server project
- Sun release OpenSolaris: should we be using that instead of Linux? Is it relevant in a world with Linux in it?
- New distribution releases from Debian and Fedora, but do developers actually use "stable" software releases? And do they need to?
- Open Source Streetfighting: how would your two favourite open-source celebrities fare in a street fight? Let us know!
- Final thoughts on the upcoming LugRadio Live, in five days from this episode's release!
- Title: Too orangey for crows
- Date: 06 June 2005
- Length: 76:35
- Ralph Giles from the Xiph.Org Foundation talks about Ogg Theora, what Xiph are all about, and Xiph's free codecs being used in commercial environments, like Halo 2 on the XBox, and Speex in XBox Live
- Jono went to the 6th GUADEC, and talks about how much beer he drank, what the conference was about, how much beer he drank, Gnome's direction, interesting Gnome people (lots of whom listen to LugRadio!), and how much beer he drank
- Should we ditch Linux and start again from scratch?
- Emails from all our lovely fans
- A LugRadio Live update (only 3 weeks to go!) including how Mark Shuttleworth will now be attending and taking part in the Mass Debate
- Title: The Meeks shall inherit the earth
- Date: 23 May 2005
- Length: 80.14
- Michael Meeks, Novell hacker and Busiest Man Alive, talks about, Gnome, how you can get involved, and how to get lots of work done by not spending all day reading other people's weblogs
- Building communities: why some projects attract a large and vibrant community and others don't, and what we can do about it
- Distro Wars, part III: 75% of the team review the six chosen distributions and distributors (Xandros, Linspire, Novell, Red Hat, Ubuntu, and Gentoo) against various different criteria. This week, they're being reviewed for potential for world domination
- ZeroConf: what it is and whether we should be using it in Linux
- Letters and emails and phone calls, oh my!
- Title: Incorporation in corporations
- Date: 09 May 2005
- Length: 85:42
- Kevin Carmony, President and CEO of Linspire, talks about Linspire 5.0 and Linspire's relationship with the open-source community
- Distro Wars, part II: the team review the six chosen distributions and distributors (Xandros, Linspire, Novell, Red Hat, Ubuntu, and Gentoo) against various different criteria. This week, they're being reviewed for acceptability in the home and the corporate desktop environments
- The MS Mini: if Microsoft brought out their own Mac Mini-style mini PC for a really good price, would the team buy it?
- Letters and emails and phone calls: your words on our show
- Title: Nickels and dimes
- Date: 25 April 2005
- Length: 67:15
- The Seth, the Nickell, the Seth Nickell, on usability, interaction design, the Gnome project, and lots of other stuff
- Distro Wars: a new series in which the team review the six chosen distributions and distributors (Xandros, Linspire, Novell, Red Hat, Ubuntu, and Gentoo) against various different criteria. This week, they're being reviewed for evilness
- Shameful behaviour on the part of some Linux "advocates" towards Laura DiDio at the Yankee Group and others: does this do harm to the Linux community at large, and is there anything we can do about it?
- Your letters!
- Title: Portmanteau word
- Date: 11 April 2005
- Length: 73:15
- The team interview Mike Hearn from the autopackage project and CodeWeavers (well, Aq interviews him and the others try and get a word in edgeways)
- Hardware hacking, why we should be doing it, and whether Jono is being paid to mention it
- Angriness about the clipboard not being right, Sir Clive Sinclair's PA, Totem crashing, bug reporting, and guilt
- Wobbly windows, Xgl, Red Hat, and what's in store for the X server
- Your letters!
- Title: Laser guided facials
- Date: 28 March 2005
- Length: 66:25
- Alan Cox on being a kernel hacker, DRM, and how Linux doesn't need Linus
- Do we need desktop environments like Gnome and KDE?
- Danese Cooper leaves Sun to join Intel
- The LugRadio Angry Minute: this week Jono is angry about wireless networking and Aq is angry about integrated graphics cards
- More on LugRadio Live 2005
- Title: Interview, interview, they've all got it in to view
- Date: 14 March 2005
- Length: 66:25
- Rufus Pollock on the current state of software patents in Europe and the proposed BBC Creative Archive
- Aaron Seigo, KDE developer, talks about what KDE's up to and dispels some myths about the desktop environment
- The team discuss whether Open Source developers, and particularly the Gnome team, should be looking to move from C to a higher level language/environment like Java or Mono or Python or something else
- More on LugRadio Live 2005
- Title: Ginger Ball of Fury
- Date: 28 February 2005
- Length: 66:25
- LugRadio's first birthday!
- Sparkes returns for an episode to help celebrate our first year
- The Hula Project, what it is, and why it's important
- Sven de Marothy talks about the state and status of a Free Software Java implementation
- Is Java important to the Open Source world?
- The ten best gadgets of all time, according to Mobile PC Magazine, and the team's favourite (and least favourite) gadgets
- LugRadio Live 2005! It's finally happening; see the site for more!
- Jeff Waugh talks about
UbuntukKubuntu, Ubuntu with KDE in - Many, many, many of your letters!
- Title: Monobrow
- Date: 14 February 2005
- Length: 72:00
- Miguel de Icaza, lead on the Mono project and Novell big cheese, speaks on Mono and Novell's plans
- The LugRadio team give their opinions on Mono
- Matt asks about kernel compilation and why we need to do it
- News items: KDE to be ported to Windows (and why), security holes in Firefox, a Google browser, the growth of Firefox and problems that might cause
- Your letters!
- Title: What is it good for?
- Date: 31 January 2005
- Length: 66:00
- An interview with Jeff Waugh, Gnome Release Manager and Canonical hacker
- Sun releasing 1600(!) patents to the open source community
- The National Lottery, and support for Firefox
- Google's implementation of the
attribute to stop comment spam on weblogs - Your letters!
- Title: The Testicle of Insanity
- Date: 17 January 2005
- Length: 68:00
- An interview with Mark Shuttleworth, head of Canonical!
- IBM releasing 500 patents to the open source community
- Sun pledging to open source something...but not saying what it will be
- Title: 2004 Christmas Special!
- Date: 20 December 2004
- Length: 68:00
- Title: Super Cow Powers at Lugradio Towers
- Date: 13 December 2004
- Length: 68:00
- Fedora Core 3: what that's all about, with's Gavin Henry
- The new GPL: the FSF's work on their new licence, and the Affero GPL
- MS FUD: where does it really come from?
- The Cell chip: the new chip from Sony/IBM/Toshiba
- IBM: Sale of their PC business
- Open source catchup: will OSS always be playing catchup to MS and Apple?
- Title: Free Software, Free G
- Date: 29 November 2004
- Length: 64:19
- Linux virus protection: is it necessary, and what should we be doing about it?
- Government funded open-source advocacy: are the government doing right by funding OpenAdvantage?
- What is marketing? Matt begins an explanation of something that is vastly misunderstood in the hacker world
- 3G: is it any good, and will there be room for Linux?
- Podcasting: what it is and why we're not doing it...yet
- Title: Something borrowed, something blue
- Date: 15 November 2004
- Length: 64:19
- Sparkes' best bits: Steve Parkes leaves the team, and we all say ave atque vale, except that Jono has no idea what that means
- Ade's baldest bits: Ade Bradshaw officially joins the team and gets the LR welcome
- Paying for small software: regular listener Schwuk joins us to talk about people's willingness to pay for software where there are free alternatives readily available
- The future of Firefox, and why (and whether) Microsoft seems to not have noticed the (minor?) threat
- Novell Linux Desktop 9: the new release, and the involvement of corporate licencing in the open source world
- The NHS condemn 900,000 desktops to Windows, not incidentally spending £500 million of our money on it
- Powergen's broken website, and all the other end of show stuff
- Title: Seconds out (third and final round)
- Date: 1 November 2004
- Length: 62:42
- LUG paintball: Your chance to shoot at the LR team, and lots of other Linux notables
- Ubuntu Linux: our impressions of this new Debian-based distro
- MythTV: PVR projects on Linux
- GPS and free mapping data: including OpenStreetMap's project to map the whole UK
- Dick and Dom: in da bungalow!
- Title: Back in the bad habit
- Date: 20 October 2004
- Length: 62:42
- Introduction to the bald man: Ade Bradshaw stands in for Matt
- LinuxWorld UK 2004 review
- Commercial apps on Linux: are they viable, are they needed?
- The Open Source Mark: does branding affect people's trust of open source?
- Pre-installed PCs: can you buy a PC with Linux pre-installed in the UK?
- Title: Chat to other geeks - LIVE - now!
- Date: 12 July 2004
- Length: 60:05
- Microsoft Get the FUD tour: our northern England reporters, Russ and Jen, tell us what Microsoft said at their Manchester "Get the Facts" event
- The last ever Desert Island Disks!
- Mac OS X Tiger and Linux: ordinary Mac user, Austen Macrow, tells us about Tiger and we talk about how it relates to Gnome and KDE
- Project Looking Glass: it's been GPLed, so will it ever be useful?
- Sparkes' final thought: complete with Jerry Springer style muzac.
- Title: Melodious maladorous
- Date: 28 June 2004
- Length: 61:36
- The longest introduction in history
- DanielT's Desert Island Disks
- The great Linux arseholes debate - why are there so many unpleasant people in the Linux world?
- Aq's 100 Big Ones - your ideas for how to spend £100k in support of free software
- The LugRadio Gathering call for papers - you want to speak at the LugRadio expo type thing? Listen to find out how.
- Title: The delayed emission
- Date: 16 June 2004
- Length: 64:47
- Mr Ben's Desert Island Disks
- Project Arcade - Sparkes reviews John St Clair's book on building an arcade machine
- Aq's 100 Big Ones - How would you use £100,000 on FOSS?
- Jono's adventure with Project Utopia - Jono's got it working
- LugRadio Live update - we gone and got us some money, for LugRadio Live!
- Title: UK Elections Special
- Date: 02 June 2004
- Length: 86:07
- Interview with Richard Allan MP - the Liberal Democrat IT spokesman tells us where the UK's third party stands
- Interview with Howard Berry - Labour local election candidate and Linux user, tells us what he plans to do for open source, if elected
- Opinions - comment from Jono and Matt.
- Title: Too tired to talk
- Date: 27 May 2004
- Length: 58:12
- Desert Island Disks - Mike Scopeguy gives us eight bits of software he couldn't live without
- Stallman as our representative - do we want the bearded wonder as our envoy?
- Ken Brown - is he just jumping on a bandwagon?
- Title: Hungry Hippo Hookers
- Date: 13 May 2004
- Length: 64:54
- Desert Island Disks - Paul Elliot's choices are mercilessly ripped apart by the LugRadio team
- Mono - good or bad and what is it, eh?
- Advanced Unix Programming review - Sparkes tries his best to do a serious review of this book about ubergeeking
- Infopoint - it's nice to tell people about Linux, go on, do it instead of helping an old lady across the road.
- Title: Linux User and Developer Expo 2004
- Date: 29 Apr 2004
- Length: 59:16
- Project Look Glass - Aq and Jono interview Paul Leonard and Adrian Keward of Sun, about their new 3D desktop and Sun's involvement in the Linux world
- Debian drugs shock? - Paul Sladen gives away too much information about what goes on behind the scenes at the expo
- Linux Chix - Caroline Yates tell us why there's a need for a women specific Linux organisation
- Gnome and KDE - interviews with KDE's Jonathan Riddell and Gnome's Maria Blackmore
- The alternative to OpenOffice Writer - Huibert Figuere tells us why AbiWord has a bright future
- AFFS - Alex Hudson tells us what good the AFFS is doing for free software in the UK
- Assorted rabble - plus more of the usual nonsense, including appearances by Aquarion, Schwuck, Digit0 and Mozrat!
- Title: Five men in a scrote
- Date: 15 Apr 2004
- Length: 59:16
- G-Mail - are the seemingly privacy unfriendly features of Google's new mail service a sign of things to come from the world's largest search company?
- Forums questions - answers to your questions, covering topics such as Linux v Microsoft programming languages, Linux usability and other challenges that face Linux adoption.
- Advocacy - how can we better promote Linux?
- Certification - is it worthwhile?
- Aq's Room 404 - why Aq thinks KDE should disappear
- Title: Nameless, but thankfully not endless
- Date: 01 Apr 2004
- Length: 62:39
- Take a Slashdot - Walmart sell Sun Java Desktop PC., is it good that big business is involved in Linux? The Mac OS style spatial finder in Nautilus.
- Listeners' questions - we answer questions about LugRadio and our use of open source software.
- Room 404 - Desert Island Disks takes a break, while we discuss which bits of software we'd like to see permanently banished.
- Title: Difficult Third Show
- Date: 18 Mar 2004
- Length: 62:35
- Take a Slashdot - Should viruses be open source? Gnome 2.6 released soon! Why release a broken distro? Are there problems with Mozilla's new artwork licencing?
- The EUCD - How little do we know about the European Union's new directive, aimed at bringing DMCA style laws to Europe?
- M0n0wall: Is it broken just because it doesn't work on Sparkes' machine?
- Desert Island Disks: Jono rambles through his favourite software.
- LugRadio at the expo: What should we do at the Linux User and Developer Expo, in London?
- Title: Donut Driven Dialogue
- Date: 04 Mar 2004
- Length: 42:57
- Desert Island Disks - eight bits of software you couldn't live without, including extended rambling about Evolution, Vim and figures from computing past, including the Sam Coupe
- Take a Slashdot: our take on the latest Slashdot headlines, including a discussion of the varied merits of FreeBSD and friends
- Jono vs the BBC: is it okay for a respected broadcaster to be inaccurate, so long as they call it analysis? More info at and the original BBC story can be found on the BBC News Online site.
- Title: The Phantom Message
- Date: 26 Feb 2004
- Length: 22:38
- A look at three different versions of the free software song
- Three Slashdot headlines, at the time of recording
- The origins of bizarre Slashdot nicks
- Book review: Peter van Dijck's Information architecture for designers
- General discussion of information architecture and what it is
6x 1
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Season 6 Episode 1
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, Adam Sweet, and Ade Bradshaw get back together after a three year hiatus for a 2011 LugRadio reunion show! Featuring:This video, and specifically The Devil's Drink, has an accompanying video which shows how Jono and Stuart deliberately stitched up Adam, the poor soul. See for the full story, and once again superb applause for Adam for taking it like the hero he is!
That's it for our 2011 reunion show: we'll see you in a couple of years, probably…
Season 5 Episode 24
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet in the last ever LugRadio show, from LugRadio Live 2009. Featuring all the previous LugRadio presenters, a wall behind the presenters with abusive Twitter commentary, Jono in a raccoon suit, over a year's delay before the release of this episode, sterling work from Tony Whitmore in getting it all done, and:Andy Stanford-Clark, who won the banner signed by all 7 presenters, has decided to auction it to generate more money for ORG, especially as there are people who weren't able to make LRL2009. Please take a look at his auction and give generously! See the eBay auction here!
Watch the official video! Available for download in Ogg Theora, WMV, and mp4 formats from, and you can watch the video directly at!
Season 5 Episode 23
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet get up on stage at LugRadio Live UK 2008 and talk about various things:Video of LugRadio Live and Unleashed is forthcoming: keep your eyes open for it, because it'll be brilliant!
Thanks all for coming: we'll see you next year!
Season 5 Episode 22
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. In this, the last ordinary LugRadio show, we're talking about:Season 5 Episode 21
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. In this show we're talking about:Season 5 Episode 20
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes us answering the burning questions that you want answered, and also:This episode includes the tune Steady B, from Trafic de Blues' Fin de cavale album, which is licenced as CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5, which means that this episode is also under the same licence (a minor change from our normal licence for episodes).
Season 5 Episode 19
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show, discussing our unrealised hopes and dreams for the open source desktop, includes:Season 5 Episode 18
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:Season 5 Episode 17
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:Season 5 Episode 16
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things while in the glorious land of America in the LugRadio Live USA 2008 live recording. This show includes:A big thanks to our sponsors, Dice, LinuxQuestions, and Linux Pro Magazine, and a huge extra thanks to our main sponsor Google for making LugRadio Live USA happen! Thanks also to Mike Evans for all the brilliant design work done for the event; it looked great, and that's Mike's work.
Season 5 Episode 15
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:Season 5 Episode 14
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:Season 5 Episode 13
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:If you'd like us to review your project or your product, drop us a line and let us know.
Now in better stereo than the last episode! Yes, that's right, our new motto is "LugRadio: not quite as bad as before!" People have mentioned that (a) they don't like the stereo and (b) the encoding quality on the last show wasn't as good as usual from us. So, from now on, the high-quality mp3 will be bigger than before (because we've increased the quality of it) and the lower-quality mp3 will be mono (so people who don't like stereo can still listen to the show). Let us know on the LR forums if you discover any new issues, and thanks for the feedback.
Season 5 Episode 12
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:If you'd like us to review your project or your product, drop us a line and let us know.
Thanks to EfficientPC for donating the EEE PC for us to review and then give away in our competition!
Season 5 Episode 11
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:If you'd like us to review your project or your product, drop us a line and let us know.
This episode includes music from Lonely Anger from Dystopian Origins II by natlyea, under a CC-BY licence. Many thanks!
Thanks to EfficientPC for donating the EEE PC for us to review and then give away in our competition!
Season 5 Episode 10
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and the returning (for one show) Matt Revell, standing in for Adam Sweet, talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:This episode includes the tune Steady B, from Trafic de Blues' Fin de cavale album, which is licenced as CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5, which means that this episode is also under the same licence (a minor change from our normal licence for episodes).
Thanks to EfficientPC for donating the EEE PC for us to review and then give away in our competition!
Season 5 Episode 9
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:This episode includes the tune Steady B, from Trafic de Blues' Fin de cavale album, which is licenced as CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5, which means that this episode is also under the same licence (a minor change from our normal licence for episodes).
Thanks to EfficientPC for donating the EEE PC for us to review and then give away in our competition!
Season 5 Episode 8
Show summary:
Not a proper episode this time, because here at LugRadio Towers we're all still recovering from eating one million mince pies (that's right, one million. We counted.). Instead, a sort of compilation: listen to a few amusing things and a few outtakes, and we take the opportunity to point out some parts of the LugRadio community that you might not know about. Get out there and get involved, you know it makes sense! Remember as well the "Pimp My LugRadio" competition: produce some LugRadio promotional material (a video, an audio trailer, a mashup, a poster, or whatever you can think of) and send us a link to it: the best one wins a brand-new Asus Eee PC running Linux. We hope you had a good Christmas, and you have a very happy New Year. From all of us here at LugRadio to all of you listening, welcome to 2008! Here's to another great year.Season 5 Episode 7
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:This episode includes the tune Steady B, from Trafic de Blues' Fin de cavale album, which is licenced as CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5, which means that this episode is also under the same licence (a minor change from our normal licence for episodes).
Thanks to EfficientPC for donating the EEE PC for us to review and then give away in our competition!
Season 5 Episode 6
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:This episode includes the tune Steady B, from Trafic de Blues' Fin de cavale album, which is licenced as CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 2.5, which means that this episode is also under the same licence (a minor change from our normal licence for episodes).
We've also changed the way we encode mp3s, so if you were having problems listening to the mp3s in season 5, let us know if it's fixed. If you were having trouble and you are still having trouble, please contact us via the LugRadio forums and let us know.
Season 5 Episode 5
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:Season 5 Episode 4
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:Season 5 Episode 3
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:Season 5 Episode 2
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. This show includes:Thanks to the Elephant's Dream team, who allowed us to use their music under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence
Season 5 Episode 1
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet return for season five of LugRadio! Our official welcome to Chris as a full-fledged member of the team. We're back, and it's gonna rock hard. Welcome to Season 5!Oh, and, for those of you reading this in an RSS reader, take a glance at the new design for Our thanks go out to Michael Evans for the design, and the LugRadio ninjas team for applying the new design to various other places in the LR web empire. There'll be more photos and so on going up shortly; let us know what you think and if you want to see anything else on the site!
Season 4 Episode 24
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter and Adam Sweet speak about many things. Over the summer, LugRadio were asked to be media partners for two conferences, GUADEC (the Gnome User and Developer European Conference) and PyCon UK, the first UK-specific Python conference. Here's a conference special from both those events!PyCon UK
Guadec 2007
Thanks for listening to this 2007 conference special, and thanks to the Guadec and PyCon organsers for inviting us to be media partners. If you'd like the LugRadio team to cover your conference, contact us at the show address!
LugRadio, season 5, will begin on September 24th, 2007. Prepare yourselves.
Season 4 Episode 23
Show summary:
LugRadio Live and Unleashed, the show recorded in front of the audience at LugRadio Live 2007! With the four large gents: Stuart Langridge, Adam Sweet, Jono Bacon, and Ade Bradshaw, and a cast of thousands in the audience (well, hundreds, anyway). The show features:This is the end of season 4. We'll shortly be releasing a special show recorded at Guadec, the Gnome user and developer conference, and then we shall return in September for the all-new season 5, with Chris P now a full member of the team. Thanks very much for all your listening over this last season, and we'll see you in September!
Season 4 Episode 22
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, and the long-lost Matt Revell (standing in for Ade and Adam), in the last regular show of series 4, talk about:Season 4 Episode 21
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff including:Season 4 Episode 20
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Adam Sweet (in his first show as an official LugRadio presenter) talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff including:Season 4 Episode 19
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge and Ade Bradshaw join Matt Revell for his last ever LUGRadio episode and talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff including:Season 4 Episode 18
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw and guest presenter Chris Procter talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, (despite being one week delayed) including:Season 4 Episode 17
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge and guest presenters Chris Jones and Matt Lee talk about Linux, free software, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 16
Show summary:
Stuart P. Langridge, Jono P. Bacon, Ade P. Bradshaw and Matthew P. Revell talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 15
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw and Adam "one for the ladies" Sweet talk about Linux, open source, orange underpants and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 14
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matthew Revell, Ade Bradshaw and special guest Christian Schaller from GStreamer and Fluendo talk about Linux, open source, orange underpants and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 13
Show summary:
The LugRadio team were invited to Skycon 2007 in Limerick, Ireland to cover the conference, talk about stuff, drink beer, nearly get deported for persistently making jokes about the fair sons of Erin in conjunction with pigs, and generally enjoy the hospitality of our Irish compatriots. A big thanks to Laura Czajkowski, the president of Skynet, and the whole Skycon team for inviting us and making the stay a happy one! We took the chance to interview a few of the people there about their talks and what they thought of the conference. Roll on next year!There will also be videos of our individual talks available from the Skycon team at some point, and a certain amount of videoing of the actual recording of the show went on as well; keep your eyes on the Skycon site for all that.
Season 4 Episode 12
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matthew Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 11
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge (whose birthday is the day after this show is released), Matthew Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 10
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matthew Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 9
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matthew Revell, and Ade Bradshaw (yes! the whole team! back to work!) talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:A happy new year to all our listeners!
Season 4 Episode 8
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Adam "stand-in for Matt" Sweet, and Andrew "spline" Lewis (in place of Ade) talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 7
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Adam "stand-in for Matt" Sweet , and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 6
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matthew Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 5
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matthew Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 4
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, no Matthew Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux, open source, and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 3
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux, open source, the aKademy KDE conference, and a variety of other stuff, including:Also with this episode, a free game! Listen with your friends or cow-orkers to the episode and play LugRadio Buzzword Bingo!
Season 4 Episode 2
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matt Revell, Ade Bradshaw, and special studio guest Scott James "Three Shot" Remnant talk about Linux and open source and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 4 Episode 1
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux and open source and a variety of other stuff, including:This show is dedicated to Banger, Jono and Sooz's dog, who sadly died on September 8th, 2006. If you listen carefully you can hear him barking at a couple of points during this episode. Goodbye, Banger.
Season 3 Episode 24
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux and open source and a variety of other stuff in the live show from LugRadio Live 2006. This year featuring actual Linux content! Included in this show:This is the last show of season 3 of LugRadio. We'll be back in September for season 4 -- see you then!
Season 3 Episode 23
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux and open source and a variety of other stuff, including:Season 3 Episode 22
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, and Ade Bradshaw finish the LugRadio coverage of Guadec 2006. Today's show has interviews with Bastian Nocera from Red Hat and Philippe Normand and Jan Schmidt from the Elisa project.The final show: thanks very much to the Guadec organisers for inviting us to be media partners for the event. We've had a blast, and we'll see you for Guadec next year.
Season 3 Episode 21
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge and Ade Bradshaw continue their coverage of Guadec Todays show has interviews withStay tuned for more tomorrow ...
Season 3 Episode 20
Show summary:
Ali Baba, Stuart Langridge and Ade Bradshaw are still at Guadec, and this is day 2's show! Including interviews with Ted Haegar and Edward "PiTiVi" Hervey, thoughts on lightning talks, GStreamer, and insane beer drinking, and why Jono looks like Ali Baba. More tomorrow!Season 3 Episode 19
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge & Ade Bradshaw talk about their first day at Guadec, including interviews with:This is the first of (hopefully) five mini episodes that we are recording while at Guadec.
Its worth saying that we have had a few microphone issues, so please forgive the occasional crackle
Its also worth mentioning that we used Jokosher for the recording, this is the first time we have used it and its gone quite well all things considered
Enjoy and stay turned for the rest.
Season 3 Episode 18
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 17
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 16
Show summary:
Jonathan Edward James Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:This episode contains music from Elephants Dream, used by permission of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence.
Season 3 Episode 15
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, an ill (again) Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 14
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, Matthew Revell, and special guest Ted "Novell Open Audio" Haeger talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 13
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Adam "Barry White" Sweet talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 12
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 11
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Adam Sweet, Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 10
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 9
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 8
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Adam "Matthew Revell" Sweet talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 7
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 6
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, a fully recovered Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 5
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, a fully recovered Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:A very merry Christmas to all our listeners. We'll be back in 2006!
Season 3 Episode 4
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, a rather ill Ade Bradshaw, and Matthew Revell talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 3
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Ade Bradshaw, and special guest MrBen talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 2
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 3 Episode 1
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including managing to do an intro without once letting on that it was being done last, and:Season 2 Episode 23
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Adam Sweet, Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:LugRadio is now on the summer break. We'll see you in October!
Season 2 Episode 22
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge (Aq), Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 2 Episode 21
Show summary:
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge (Aq), Matt Revell, and Ade Bradshaw talk about Linux and whatever else comes along, including:Season 2 Episode 20
Show summary:
The first recording of LugRadio in front of a live studio audience took place at LugRadio Live 2005. The team express their undying devotion to the LugRadio community, give out awards, take the piss out of Jon Masters and Paul Sladen, answer questions from the audience, and generally do all the normal stuff -- but this time with pauses for applause!
Available in both audio and full video formats!